Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Fate of The Universe Revealed
The Fate of The Universe Revealed Free Online Research Papers Abstract By introducing virtual 4th dimension to represent time in similar manner like 3 dimensions of space which can be measure in terms of length, the attempt is made to explain how velocity of the object in â€Å"Special Theory of Relativity†causes time dilation and how matter affects time in case of â€Å"General Theory of Relativity†. Same concept has been used to solve the â€Å"Galaxy Rotation Curve†problem and pioneer anomaly without need of any dark matter. Finally, it is shown that, increase in time affects gravity giving new definition to gravity based on which explosion of black hole and evolution of Universe is predicted. Keywords: Galaxy Rotation Curve, Dark Matter, Special and General Theory of Relativity. Introduction Our Universe is made of 3 dimensional space and one dimensional time (atleast these are the dimensions which are directly affecting to us in our day to day life and are not hidden like those remaining 7 dimensions in case of string theory). As per special and general theory of relativity, these 3 dimensional space and time are not two separate things, but are closely connected to each other. Hence, instead of measuring time in terms of unit of second, by introducing virtual 4th dimension, we can represent time in terms of measuring unit meter such that one second equal to 3*108 meter. Time Dilation in Special Theory of Relativity In following figure, the 3 dimensional space is considered as 2 dimensional sheet moving in remaining vertical virtual dimension at the speed of light, (c= 3 * 108 m) for mass less (energy) particles like photons. In real Universe, the vertical dimension shown in figure is not as like dimensions of the space having length, but it is an imaginary dimension. Here, for simplicity, it is assumed that the vertical dimension representing time is similar to dimensions of space having length as measuring quantity so that 1 second in vertical dimension is equivalent to 3* 108 m. In other words, 3 Dimensional Space is moving in 4th Dimension at the speed equal to speed of light for mass less particles like photon. Figure – 1.0 The above concept very well explains why particles like photons can travel at speed of light? It is a mass less particle which do not affect space-time geometry. Also, from figure it is seen that, for photon which is travelling at the speed of the light, its time from the frame of reference of the stationary object should be equal to zero i.e vertical distance measured in above figure should be zero. In other words, photon or energy particles should entirely live only in 3 Dimensional space. For the object having velocity less than the speed of light, the vertical distance or time can be calculated as shown in following figure. Figure – 2.0 In above figure, when the object is at stationary (V=0), the vertical dimension will always measure the distance equal to 3 * 108 m in 1 second. But, if the same object travels at velocity ‘V’, then, in one second, the vertical distance will measure [c*Sqrt{1-(V2/c2)}] m, because, the path of the object no longer remain perpendicular to our 2 Dimensional sheet but remains in inclined direction as shown in figure -2. Therefore, time of the moving object will always remain less than time in reference frame of stationary object or time is slowed down with increase in velocity ‘V of the object which is nothing but â€Å"Time Dilation†phenomenon in â€Å"Special Theory of Relativity†. Also, for moving object, time get slow down and not for the stationary object, hence, twin paradox will never happen. It is something like every object (moving as well as stationary) always remains attached with fixed or absolute frame of reference in their frame of referen ce. It means, the moving as well as stationary object in their respective frame of reference will always measure one second equal to 3* 108m in above figure. For stationary object, time and space never mixed with each other or remains as separate entities, while for moving object, its velocity V in space affects its time or vertical distance measured in virtual dimension. Time Dilation in General Theory of Relativity As per General Theory of Relativity, matter bends space-time making curvature of space-time around it giving effect of gravity and this curvature depends upon quantity of matter. More matter, more will be curvature of space-time. This concept usually demonstrated by scientists as the heavy object kept in middle of 2 dimensional rubber sheet representing fabric of 3 dimensional space which bends the rubber sheet due to its weight. When another light object is moved from edge of rubber sheet towards the heavy object, it got trapped in curvature (gravity effect) made by heavy object and follow inward spiral trajectory around this heavy object such that its velocity increases with decrease in distance from the heavy object. Finally, it collapsed into heavy object. Thus, in this demonstration, curvature of rubber sheet due to presence of heavy object very well explains gravity effect according to General Theory of Relativity. But, there is one hidden thing in above demonstration that is, in order to produce curvature effect on rubber sheet due to weight of heavy object, it requires additional force in remaining 3rd dimension (perpendicular to 2 dimensional rubber sheet) which is nothing but gravitational force produced by the Earth. For example, if same demonstration is done on the moon, the curvature produced by heavy object will become less than that on the Earth because gravitational strength of the Earth is six times greater than the moon. Now, Einstein is on right track with respect to his General Theory of Relativity which has been already confirmed through number of experiments like bending of light, mercury perihelion, gravitational lensing etc. It suggests that in order to produce effect of curvature of space-time, matter must have to produce force in the vertical virtual dimension so that this force causes the matter to move in opposite direction of flow of time. In other words, the object due to presence of its matter always moves in opposite direction wi th respect to direction of flow of time. It can be explained in the following figure: Figure – 3.0 From above, it is clear that presence of matter bends space-time slowing down time such that time near surface of the object is always less than away from it. But as already told, the vertical dimension is a virtual dimension representing time for our sake of simplicity, in real universe, instead of bending of space in time or virtual vertical dimension, it remains as flat 2 dimensional sheet such that its density become higher near the surface of the object which decreases as moving away from the object. Or space-time is not empty but filled with medium having its own density representing flat space-time which can be called as vacuum density. Thus, presence of matter causes increase in vacuum density near the object which decreases while going away from the object and finally become constant to represent flat space-time. But, if gravitational constant, G is really a constant, then curvature of space-time in above figure should not changed with increase in time difference, ?T because of increase in time itself. This can be achieved by keeping restriction on gravitational strength (acceleration) due to Gravitational Constant, G up to specified region such that beyond this region effect of G on gravitational strength become very negligible and it entirely depends upon increase in time i.e. changes in curvature of space-time is more beyond this region. The equation for gravitational strength can be written as: g = (G*M/r2)*{1+ (3P/?c2)} f(T) = a f(T) (1) -Ve sign indicates that spreading of curvature of space-time radially out. In other words, the force due to f(T) acts like repulsive force or opposite to attractive gravitational force. Where, g = Gravitational strength or acceleration, G = Gravitational constant = 6.67*10-11 m3/(Kg*Sec2); M = Mass of the object creating gravitational field, r= distance from the center of the object, and f(T) = Function of Time which acts opposite to gravitational strength. From above eq., for f(T) very less than a, G dominates the gravitational strength and as a becomes very less than f(T) because of inverse square relationship with r, g must be expressed in terms of f(T). Note that value of G always remains constant and changes in curvature of space-time is governed by f(T) beyond the region from where effect of G becomes negligible while effect of increase in time dominates beyond this region. The above analysis can be well illustrated in following figure; Figure – 4.0 From above figure, the region for which value of af(T) the change in the value of g is very small while for a
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