Monday, February 17, 2020
Identifying the Science Processes eed 323 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Identifying the Science Processes eed 323 - Essay Example This may be done through group discussions and experimentations (Online Academy). In this stage, the students will begin asking questions and clearing their doubts. Their natural interest aroused, they will begin making enquiries and the answers must be capable of resolving their queries. The answers must be scientific and the students must be oriented towards satisfying their enquiries scientifically. The teacher must use graphs, charts and other visuals to drive home authentic points. The students' interest will catch up and they will make enquires depending upon their outlook and curiosities (Online Academy). There are plenty of mysteries wrapped within the crust of the earth. Until the 1970s, geo-scientists found it difficult to draw the actual dimension of the earth's interior. Now, since the 1970s, there is better understanding of this region due to various technological advances such as the computer algorithms and information technology. A 3D image can be made more easily using computer and this technology provides more accurate information about the earth's interior. Modern computer algorithms help us map geological interfaces at depths of many kilometers. This technology is used by the oil and gas exploration corporations also (Paul R. Wood). The inter-relationship of mathematics, s... A 3D image can be made more easily using computer and this technology provides more accurate information about the earth's interior. Modern computer algorithms help us map geological interfaces at depths of many kilometers. This technology is used by the oil and gas exploration corporations also (Paul R. Wood). Integrating Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST) The inter-relationship of mathematics, science and technology must be highlighted in order to solve scientific queries. The teacher must actively pursue this inter-relationship of the three disciplines while teaching to drive home solutions to queries. The project of journey into the earth must be dealt with MST and every point or query must be handled with the MST process. Throughout the course, MST must be the watchword for tracking solutions to relevant problems (Online Academy). Starting a project Having secured a solid, good basis with assessment, development of framework, separation of facts from fiction, it is time to embark on a project consistent with the topic on journeying into the earth. The student may pursue this project with his/her own unique idea although it must be interspersed with MST. The student may be encouraged to use Power point to make the presentation graphic and clear. Online projects There are many websites on the internet that could come to the aid of the student who is doing his/her project. The teacher must be alert so that the students close in on the right sites and keep away from non-essential or harmful sites.Structure of the earth This part of the process brings the student closer to the project by providing him/her an idea of the complete surface of the earth with its
Monday, February 3, 2020
Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Evolution vs. Intelligent Design - Essay Example The teaching of creation in public schools simply fulfills the purpose of protecting specific underling religious beliefs. If creation is to be taught, it is solely the responsibility of parents and the church because teaching the religious theories of creation in schools not only violates constitutional precepts. This issue invokes intense passions from those driven by their religious faith and those who would stand up for the Constitution and those that gave the lives of their loved ones to protect it. The First Amendment begins with â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (â€Å"The Constitution†) The idea of creation is undeniably religious doctrine. The government, therefore, cannot promote it in classrooms as science without infringing on the First Amendment. The Supreme Court has held that instructors may not teach that humans were created by God and must present only scientific ex planations for the history of life. Creationism can not be presented as scientific fact. In addition, it is also unconstitutional to compel teachers to teach creationism and schools may not refuse to teach evolution in an effort to avoid offending religious individuals. The idea of disclaimers placed in school books such as ‘the teaching of evolution is not intended to influence or dissuade the Biblical version of Creation or any other concept’ has been lawfully established to be unconstitutional. An instructor also has the constructional right to teach evolution (â€Å"Epperson v. Arkansas†, 1968). Religious theories of creation may be incorporated into school curriculums as a comparative example of what some religious groups accept as fact.
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