Tuesday, December 24, 2019
News Deception What Are We Really Missing - 2116 Words
News Deception: What Are We Really Missing? Introduction: Dramatizing the facts of a breaking news story has become a repetitive action seen in today’s media attention after a 2003 Florida appeals court granted Fox 25 News the right to distort information broadcasted to the public. Almost to conclude that major news stations hire professional actors to recite the news verse report it. The reality of this problem is that media sells and viewers fall victim daily to endless lies to exaggerate a current event and its happenings. A fact checking website similar to Politifact collected evidence that infamous Fox 25 News statistically reported 18% of the truth in their stories, with only 8% included to be completely true facts. CNN a top competitor has been proven to use truthful information averaging at 60% (Clifton, Allen. Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time). But which portions of the truth are reporters legally allowed to comment on? If news channels are given the right to falsify the truth an d report lies to viewers, is there an underlying truth that viewers are not being told? Because news media stations are granted the permission to skew facts, news deception has become a leading factor in the media business, which in return generates higher ratings that lead to confusion and corruption of the current happenings in the real world. News deception stretches far beyond that of falsifying a small current event, but the specificShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Descartes’ First Meditation Essay example1448 Words  | 6 Pagesthere is no definite transition from a dream to reality, and since dreams are so close to reality, one can never really determine whether they are dreaming or not. To reinforce that argument, Descartes presents the deceiving God argument. He says that since God is all powerful, then he has the power to deceive us about reality or our dreams. 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Galatians 6:7-8 talks about deception. 1 John 2:21 speaks about lying (Gospelway.com). Although deceivingRead MoreStudy Habits And Techniques Were Non Existence For Me1284 Words  | 6 Pagesstudying was around the time we took our standardized testing. Looking back, I can’t recall ever learning any study skills or strategies. It may have been that school for me was easy and I had no reason to study. Or I was not challenged academically to have to study. Nonetheless, soon I would find out the difficulties of navigating college courses without effective study skills and habits. I fell behind in college early because of my inability of how to study and what to study for. Just like me, there
Monday, December 16, 2019
Laugh, live, Smile.. today.. for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow Free Essays
Around some eighteen years ago, a miracle happened and a guy was born, yes u guessed it right, that guy was me. I was born in a town called Kanpur. Kanpur is my maternal place. We will write a custom essay sample on Laugh, live, Smile.. today.. for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have lived most the summer vacations during my childhood over there. Since my father has a transferable job, I got to live in various cities, explore different culture and make tons of friends. I started my schooling from a school called National Convent School, Mirzapur. I did my LKG and UKG over there. Then I along with my mom, shifted to my Aunt’s place in Haridwar. She used to treat me like her own son. She was the one who recognized the hidden talent of singing in me. She sent me for the formal training in vocal music to a music teacher whom I consider my guru. I have always been a lazy lad, to overcome my laziness, she then sent me to the Taekwondo sessions in the evening. She is a lady of values virtues. Discipline is in her blood. I have learned a lot from her. As she was an extensive traveler, I got to travel explore the hilly regions of Uttarakhand. After the two amazing years in Haridwar,I along with my mom shifted to Kanpur and we started living with my grandparents. I took admission in DPS Kanpur and my mother was a teacher in another school. An year passed and I got promoted in fifth standard. Now here comes an interesting phase of my life. It was during the starting of the new session,I still remember the sequence. I was sitting forward in the extreme left row and then came a girl whom I had never seen,she came inside the class and went towards my parallel row and sat at the back bench. Now she bacame the first crush of my life,officially! Her name was Samya. †When she was around,I could just feel myself blush, the adrenaline in my blood was such a rush†! As time passed,our relationship changed from just friends into best friends. Even though, I was the most notorious element of the class, my teachers still used to love me a lot. My favourite teacher was Monica ma’am who was also our class-teacher. I still remember an incident when in class sixth,a mate asked our class teacher that â€Å"When all the naughty elements were eliminated ,then why did u still keep Tanay in the section? †Ma’am clearly replied†Because he is my favourite and I love him a lot! †It were the summer vacations of class sixth when came a point that I had to shift to Agra where my Dad was already posted. I was very desperate to move back with my Dad since it had been four long years I had been living away from him. But at the same time leaving the school without meeting anyone unexpectedly was a disheartening moment too. I missed them a long time and I am still in touch with them. Although my span of stay in Agra was short, but I have had a wonderful time there. With my Dad’s transfer came the most amazing city of my life. This time it was Banaras!! Banaras is a place where I turned from a child to a teenager to almost an adult! My major upbringing happened to be in Varanasi. My mom got me admitted to DPS Varanasi which was the seventh and finally the last school of my life. I spent five most amazing years in my last school. When it comes to academics, I have always been a mediocre, even though I did achieve full marks in Maths, once in class Eighth, second time in class Tenth. My list of friends is quite long to describe. During this six years of my stay in Kashi,it has given me a lot,one of them is Ashu whom I often refer as Mota-Bhai who is not just a friend but a brother in literal. I usually don’t call every second friend of mine as bro,but when I do,mind it,I mean it!! It was the pre-sports day 2008. After I got selected for the long jump,I saw a pretty girl who was already staring at me. The moment I saw her,I was just astonished. Later on I came to know about her easily via different sources as I was quite social among the seniors. So yes,my first love was an year senior to me. The rest part of story is past. All I know is that feeling never came ever and I still respect her as I did once. One always remembers his first love. Its an out of this world feeling. When she was gone,I was heart broken. This incident has taught me that life goes on,no matter who comes,who goes. We make life harder than it to be. The difficulties started when†¦ conversations became texting, feelings became subliminal, the word ‘love’ fell out of context, trust faded as honesty waned, insecurities became a way of living, jealously became a habit, being hurt started to feel natural, and running away from it all became our solution. Stop running! Face these issues, fix the problems, communicate, appreciate, forgive and LOVE the people in your life who deserve it. The best part of my life started after entering into Symbiosis. I always wanted a sister,I asked for one and Symbi gifted me two real sisters from non-biological mothers! One is Honey,my besty who is a careless crazy freak and a party animal like me,a complete replica of my personality but has a delicate heart. Ridzi,d other one,d sweet one is a complete contrast of me and Honey. She treats me like her younger brother. We often dance on ‘‘shinchan shinchan†together,Ridzi being into the character of Himavari. We do not remember days, we remember moments. Too often we try to accomplish something big without realizing that the greatest part of life is made up of the little things. My way is to live authentically and cherish each precious moment of my journey and live life to its fullest core. I wanna fly high and live while I am young. I believe that if I will seek for peace,happiness will automatically follow my way. Because when you finally arrive at your desired destination, u don’t remember the destination,you remember the journey. So for today I ll laugh,I ll live and I ll smile for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow. How to cite Laugh, live, Smile.. today.. for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Thu Hunted by Alex Shearer Essay Example For Students
Thu Hunted by Alex Shearer Essay The Hunted by Alex Shearer is a book for our times. Discuss The Hunted by Alex Shearer is a very appealing book. The plot maybe unique but that just makes the book more exciting. In this book most people have sacrificed the joy of having children, their fertility for the dream of eternal youth. Tarrin is a very special boy. He is rare and unique. He is what you called a real boy in this book because he has not used anti-ageing pills or the PP implant. He is a naturally young child. His guardian, Deet is a self-centered, drunkard, ungrateful man. He makes a living by renting out Tarrin to childless couples. Both Deet and Tarrin are in fear of the ‘Kiddernappers’ that roam the streets there. Kiddernappers do exactly what they are named after. They kidnap children. Tarrin would be about 5-7 million international units. A newborn baby would be about 6-9 million. Tarrin dreams of meeting his parents and finding out who kidnapped him. Many people argue that The Hunted is a book of our times while several might say it is not. The Hunted is a book of our times because Shearer appears to be trying to convey a message to the public that people are sacrificing fertility for youth. He is trying to say that this book a warning of what could happen in the future. The book has gotten to such an extreme that they talk about how 9 years olds can take the PP implant and can stay young forever and live till about 120 years and more. For example at the beginning of the book Tarrin comes across Ms. Virginia Two shoes who has taken the PP implant. She is a professional singer and dancer. On the hall it said that she was 55 years old and still dancing and at the end of the book it said she was 125 years old and still dancing. Also the books talked how people take the Anti-ageing pills to keep them young and 40 years old is the oldest you will get. On the other hand people say that this book is just trying to scare us. Shearer is giving us an empty threat. Whatever is happening doesn’t mean that is going to happen in the future. Also in the book it said that Deet is exaggerating that growing up is really bad when it really isn’t that bad. He says that there are too many ‘grown-ups’ in the world they need children. Another reason why The Hunted is a book for our times because in this world are obsessed with looking young. 5% of the people who are in developed countries have already had a plastic surgery or are going to have a plastic surgery. Look at the cosmetic advances here. You have anti-ageing creams that reduce wrinkles. You have ‘Botox’ which freezes your faces nerves so you don’t have wrinkles for 3-4 hours. Plastic surgery has improved. You can pull sk in to make it tighter and you could add an eyebrow if you wanted to. Also there is dye. If you start to grow white hair you can dye it depending on the colour of your hair. You can also have hair root cell plantations if you have a lot of hair fall. Also there is something like the PP implant already. It is called thylidomide. Similarly people are living longer here but when they give birth their babies come out deformed or defected. However people say that the anti-ageing creams are superficial they don’t work. Botox has severe sideffects. It can change the facial expression of the person and maybe can create more wrinkles. Some dyes can you have a lot of hair fall or they make the look lifeless and dull. Hair root cell plantations are very expensive the majority of the people can’t afford to take it. .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .postImageUrl , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:hover , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:visited , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:active { border:0!important; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:active , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Circle Wars: Reshaping The Typical Autism Essay CitationChildren will always be valued. Not everbody would have taken thylidomide. Some one would have done something different and had babies. Those babies may also have other babies and so on and so fourth. Yet another reason why this book is of our times is that fertility is rising. In fifty years who knows that the mainstream of people may have become infertile and only special people can give birth. Results show that in 1995 the infertility rate was 7 percent. So about 1 every 14 people was infertile. In 2005 the infertility rate was 15 percent, which is about 1 every 7 people. They expect in 2025 that the infertility rate will be about 33 percent, which is about 1 out of 3 people will be infertile. Although some may say that since that infertility will. They say that if there is a cure for everything then why not infertility. Surely people can come up with something to cure infertility. You have stem cell therapy, cloning, and tylidomide. Certainly someone will come up with something that can cure infertility. Scientists want to prolong life but if nobody young is there then they will start to think of a cure for infertility. 50 years ago people thought cloning and stem cell research was impossible. Now look at it. It has become true. The last reason why this book is for our times is because people take the anti-ageing pills because it is a primeval instinct. Nobody wants to die. If the people in our world could live longer I am sure they would. If you tell a person when he is going to die on that day he will stay at home or get security protection because he will try to prevent himself from dying. In spite of this people dispute that some people may not take the pills and would rather give birth to a child. Some people would love to have a child and that is why they might not take the PP or thylidomide. Children will always be valued. Rather than living 150 years with no joy people might give birth to a child and live to 100 years with joy. They will die and 100 and with a smile on their face. Finally I am with Shearer on this one that this is a book of our times because 50 years ago our life expectancy was about 50 and now is about 70-80 years old. They predict that in the next 50 years it can double which is 160 years with the improvements we have. Thylidomide is a perfect example of anti-ageing pills and PP implant. It shows the future of our world.
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