Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Newton Electronics Limited
After three years of development, the company has finally been able to complete research on and development of the new hearing aid and the product, having successfully passed through all statutory and voluntary tests and procedures, is now ready for commercial production. In this regard, the company has three viable options in front of it. These are: 1. Commence commercial production on its own accord. 2. Outsourcing manufacturing and marketing to a third party under a license arrangement. 3. Selling Patent rights to a third party.This reports aims to undertake a holistic financial analysis of these three options and, from a financial management perspective, conclude which option is in the best interests of the company’s shareholders. Results The results of the NPV analysis reveal the following results: Analysis, Additional Considerations & Verdict: The NPV analysis (see appendix) clearly reveals that Option 2 (allowing a third party to manufacture the product and market it un der a license arrangement) is financially the best option as it allows for a greater inflow of cash.This is also in line with the company’s core competencies. The company has been generally geared at research and development and may lack the entrepreneurial skill and expertise when it comes to manufacture and market the product. Moreover, another plus point is that the company would not have to pump in any capital immediately if it chose option 2. Thus, as rational investors, the company would prefer less risk per unit of return. When comparing option 2 with option 1, the company finds itself taking less risks and hence generating more returns.The decision between option 2 and option 3 is a tricky one, although seemingly straightforward. With option 3, the company effectively shifts the whole element of operating risk on the third party, against a guaranteed payment in two equal installments. BPP states that â€Å"this reduces the return but also the risk, as financial manag ement theory contends the return and risk relationship†(2007, pp. 95-98). From a financial risk management point of view, the only risk that the company is then exposed to is the default risk of the third party failing to make a timely payment of the second installment.Here is where the interesting aspect comes in. Although default risk also exists with Option 2, that is, the third party would fail to make timely royalty payments, Rasheed states that â€Å"a licensing arrangement and an outright sale of the patent rights would differ legally as to what recourse the company would have in the case of default. †(2009, pp. -54). From the surface of it, if the third party defaults under a license arrangement to pass on royalty payments, the company could always cancel the license or initiate penalizations on the third party by way of the licensing agreement.Thus, the company can compel the third party, on its own accord, to resume payments or to offer something else in ret urn, maybe an equity stake at attractive levels. However, a default on a sale would be a long drawn out legal battle that would increase the time frame of the proceeds being received altogether, incurring legal costs and making NPV fall. Thus, for the high return and low risk profile and the legal recourse that it offers, option 2 is the best option that the company should undertake.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
A Beautiful Mind
I enjoyed many things from the film A Beautiful Mind including the cast, the interpretations of being schizophrenic, and also the small amount of romance between John and Alicia. Think that the cast was very well picked, Russell Crower did an outstanding job portraying a man with schizophrenia. I could tell that Crower was eve comfortable with this role, considering how well he portrayed John Nash. When I think about John Nash and his awkward, yet sophisticated, rationality Russell Crower really does justice to John Nash.Also, the cast for the other students, John's peers, were well picked out also. All of the other students were intelligent and also a little cocky which makes sense as to why they don't accept John. I also enjoyed the interpretations of being schizophrenic. It is very interesting going into the mind of John Nash and seeing the people that only he sees, and hearing the voices that only he hears. Lastly enjoyed how the film had a little spark of romance between John an d Alicia, but that the entire film wasn't about the romance, and love.The film was more about John and his brilliance than his love life. My only dislike for this film is that it was slowly moving. L, personally, enjoy movies that can invest myself in and really feel the characters. I could not relate to any of the characters considering they are all brilliant. Johns Anna's second grade teacher tells Nash that he had been given two helpings of brain but only one helping of heart, I think that she means that he would stop putting math and science before how he is really feeling and that he should try to make friends and be more in-touch with others.As said before I really enjoyed Russell Crow's portrayal of schizophrenia. I thought that it was very believable, from what I have seen, and was interesting whenever he would have schizophrenic fits around other students. The scariest part of schizophrenia for me is seeing things that others cannot. People with schizophrenia do not know if what they're seeing is real or fake, and that is scary. A Beautiful Mind The movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†is the memorable and touching story of John Forbes Nash Jr., an economist and mathematical genius who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1994. Nash is said to have battled with an illness called paranoid schizophrenia.1) Said to be the most feared and disabling of mental illnesses, paranoid schizophrenia is said to be ‘characterized by illogical thinking and hearing unreal things’ (How to get rid). This is much like the way John Nash was portrayed by actor Russell Crowe in the movie.The initial part of the movie showed that John had such a great mind, and his mind worked in a very complicated way. He was so dedicated to his work and can get so caught up with what he was doing that he sometimes stayed at the library for 2 days in a row solving mathematical equations. For John, the numbers just seemed to come alive as if they were begging for his attention.The way he stretched the use of his brain to look at things from a mathematician’s point of view is just so astounding. John correlated everything to math – simple things like the movement of pigeons, picking up girls in a bar, and asking for approval from a girl.The later part of the movie however, shows John as slowly being transformed to the queer individual who speaks of conspiracies, Russians, classified information, and other spy terminologies. He surreptitiously spends most of his time cutting newspapers, magazines, scribbling, deciphering codes, and dealing with shady characters.As the story further unfolds, it is revealed that characters seen by John are only imaginary and that he has to be treated soon, or else he might put his own family in danger. As John’s psychiatrist, Dr. Rosen, says in the movie, â€Å"the nightmare of schizophrenia is in not knowing what’s true†. Indeed, John had a difficult time making the distinction between his hallucinations and realities.2) In the movie, John was given insuli n shock therapy 5 times a week for two weeks. Furthermore, he was released from the hospital on the condition that he would take his anti-psychotic drugs, so that the degree of his illness would not progress any further.Insulin shock therapy was discovered by Manfred Sakel in 1927, where an injection of insulin was administered to the patient, who went into a superficial coma, and eventually recovered from his/her psychotic state (The History of Shock Therapy). This therapy worked positively on John, who showed significant signs of improvement after undergoing this treatment.With regards to medications, at first, all went well when John did as he was told. Eventually, however, John stopped taking them and hid the medicines in a tin can which he – without his wife’s knowledge – hid in a drawer on his desk.This made John’s delusions all come back to life, and all the paranoia and hallucinations haunted him once again. This occurrence almost cost the life of John’s son, so John’s wife once again sought the help of Dr. Rosen so that John could be returned to the psychiatric hospital. When Dr. Rosen arrived, John was asked why he stopped taking his medications.His answer was because ‘I couldn’t work, I couldn’t help with the baby, and I couldn’t respond to my wife’. John was in such a pathetic state that his wife took pity on him and just let him stay, but she left her baby with her mom temporarily. Gradually, John recovered even without the aid of medications. As one website mentions: â€Å"The notion that schizophrenics must spend a lifetime on these (anti-psychotic) drugs is a ‘myth’†(John Nash: Recovery without Drugs), and John did pretty well on this. A Beautiful Mind Mental illness and mental disorders have plagued individuals for many years before the development of the psychiatric community embraced the challenges of treatment with understanding. It can be assumed that everyone has had an encounter with someone who is mentally ill at some point in their life.Stereotypical images of those with mental disorders encompass the erroneous image of a filthy homeless individual viewed talking aloud to some imaginary person or thing. Other images depict the mentally ill individual ranting and raving like some ravenous animal with wild eyes and an animal-like posture.These images are poor portrayals of the mentally disturbed often created by Hollywood as a means to keep viewers entertained. Contrary to popular belief, a mentally ill person looks just like any other human being despite some peculiarities, however, in the society of today, anyone could be mentally ill.BackgroundThe Hollywood motion picture, A Beautiful Mind, was directed a docu mental-like story of an actual world renowned mathematician named John Nash (Grazer & Howard, 2001). Nash was born in West Virginia and later went on to attend graduate school at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey.He was then twenty-one years old. Throughout his secondary academic career, Nash remained somewhat unsociable and preoccupied with his research and coursework. He did not appear to have much time for dating or socializing with members of the opposite sex either.Nash’s competitive nature served as a driving force for his academic research and achievements. His economic theories and studies enabled him to win appointments and academic recognition through much of his time while studying at Princeton University. While his mathematic theories would leave a reasonable person ultimately dumbfounded and confused,PSYCHOLOGYit became like a second language to Nash. Simple tasks like games became too complicated for him to participate in (Gra zer & Howard, 2001). If it did not equate into a mathematical equation, then in Nash’s thinking, it could not be logical or proven to be absolute.Nash later met a woman, Alicia, while teaching at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Over a period of time, the two began dating and later married. Together they would have one child, a son, named John. During the course of their marriage, Nash would become more and more distant. He would blame the distance on his work and research.AnalysisPsychological SymptomsFriends began to notice that his personal hygiene was lacking in the area of care and presentation. He would regularly forget to shave, his shirts would not be tucked in properly, and his hair would be stringy and unwashed.He began walking with a noticed shuffle while simultaneously clutching his briefcase tightly against his chest as though it bore protection. He socially disconnected from his colleagues by informing them that his re search was classified (Grazer & Howard, 2001). Worst of all, he started forgetting that he was required to teach a class at MIT, and he would often not show up.During Nash’s time studying at Princeton University, he became good friends with his roommate. He would meet up with his old college chum several times over the course of the following years. It would later be revealed that Nash had no roommate at Princeton University, but rather he was assigned to a dormitory and resided alone the entire time (Grazer & Howard, 2001).The imagined roommate was a hallucination (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). 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Monday, July 29, 2019
Aspects Of British Colonialism In Uganda And Kenya History Essay
Aspects Of British Colonialism In Uganda And Kenya History Essay Uganda and Kenya as British protectorates were founded in 1894. Colonization of Africa employed a number of methods. The main ones were the use of the gun the Bible or religion. Buganda was colonized by the gun, Bible and koran. The Bible and koran teachings became effective ways of establishing a fanatical following which eventually played a crucial role in the political landscape of buganda. By 1867 islam was established in buganda and Mutesa I was already observing the ramadhan and learning to read the koran. Mutesa I pages at his courts fully converted though Mutesa I never converted fully to islam. The Christian Missionary Society (CMS) arrived in buganda in June 1877. After two years the roman catholic white fathers arrived in buganda. The arrival of these two groups not only ignited a rivalry between them but confused the buganda (EnterUganda). Just as Uganda, Kenya had its share of missionary activity which sprang up from the coastal part of the region. Missionaries first la nded at the coastal town which had been previously explored and dominated by the arab traders who came in with the koran. However the factional fights that were characteristic of the buganda were not with Kenya mainly because of the ethnic set up diversity that existed in Kenya. Later on the establishment of colonial boundaries would greatly affect these more than 40 different communities who were now brought together into one territory. In the case of the buganda and on a broader scale there was rivalry between the French who were catholic inclined and the English who were protestant inclined. In this rivalry was also a scramble for products and cheap raw materials source. On the other hand the earliest foreign expeditions in Kenya were mainly missionary expeditions and were mainly to open up the inland for the sake of the gospel. The scramble for raw materials would however come later as a secondary factor. The coming of the missionaries caused religion to spread rapidly throughou t the entire east African region. For Kenya the spread advanced from the coastal region into the interior, whereas for Uganda the kabaka hosted the missionaries whose activities fanned out from the palace into the entire region. The Imperial British East Africa chose to move in and establish British sphere influence. Sending FJ Jackson who spearheaded this mission. Jackson sought to sign a treaty with Mwanga who was enjoying catholic backing after Karl Peters a German favoured by the catholics arrived in buganda. The Germany influence and interest over buganda was curtailed by the signing of the Heligoland treaty of July 1890. In this treaty buganda was officially recognized as a British sphere of influence in return for Heligoland island in the north sea to the Germans (EnterUganda) In Kenya it all began at the 1884 to 1885 Berlin Conference which was the basis on which was set the rules of colonial occupation. Combining with the 1886 Anglo-German Agreement and other inter- Europea n territorial arrangements, the Berlin conference was instrumental in not only erecting artificial boundaries around Kenya but also in removing diplomatic initiative from Kenyan people. This was just a precursor of the demarcation of the Kenyan territory that would follow in the year 1894. Imperial British East Africa now had a firm grip on the two east African states Kenya and Uganda. However in order to further protect their interests in Uganda the Imperial British East Africa later send Captain Fredrick Lugard to counter the threat posed by Emin Kasha in Sudan who was planning to annex buganda and bunyoro to Turkey. Charles Stoke a missionary turned arms dealer who was also plotting to arm Kabalega needed to be dealt with because kabalega being unfriendly to the British would be a risk if he was armed.. Captain Lugard successfully forestalled their plans. However the coming of Captain Lugard was viewed by Mwanga and the catholic backed regime as a triumph for the protestant. Luga rd signed a treaty with Mwanga and fought alongside him to defeat the muslim invasion. Captain Lugard also entered an agreement with Ntare V to stop arms from reaching Kabalega.
Hedgehog concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hedgehog concept - Essay Example ls (family) conducted their business, the respect that they commanded, and the success that came with their leadership provoked my clandestine passion of becoming a leader at whatever capacity of the society. Later I came to discover from whatever small capacity I was given opportunity to lead, I did it diligently to an extent that I realized the passion was beyond inspiration and just in-born. The desire to excel drives my economy. I want to be in a better economic position than I hold at present through better leadership. The success that come with or will come with my good leadership skills is what drives my economical wheel. I am superb in penmanship. My genetic ability is more on authorship. I have more of article writing that have received a lot of acclaims and positive comment. I have not yet fully exploited my inborn ability. In the event that I focus on it and put more energy on it, I have a feeling that it can be best done and in a profitable way. I have focused more on my passion and given a blind eye to my in born ability that came naturally without the influence of people that surround me. Ironically, I have a feeling that Im not that good in writing since the positive comments after penning a piece of article from my friends they are the one that make me feel that I good in the world of authorship. My first step in moving forward is doing something that relates to my passion and skills. I should stop being persuaded by my passion and instead put more effort in making what I can do best in great heights. This particular step can be achieved in a number of ways. The only thing to be known on this scenario is to focus from being good to greatness. One way to achieve this goal is to concentrate on field of penmanship since it where I am good already (Collins 25). I should put concerted effort to improve my strength other than to concentrate on my passion where I am likely to be weak. It will take more energies to better my weakness where my passion is
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Marketing Analysis of Porsche Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing Analysis of Porsche - Case Study Example The traditional Porsche customer typically consists of a small group of financially successful and high achievers in their field of work. They see themselves apart from the real world, which inspires people to different levels (Kotler and Armstrong, 2012, pg 186). They are also achievers and is conscious of their status. The buyer of a Cayenne or a Panamera, on the other hand, is one that has moved into a new life stage that needs to haul more people and stuff but still maintains its exclusivity and still fit the achiever profile of a regular Porsche buyer. They are the same successful people who may have settled down to have a family and thus wanted to have a bigger car for their family without losing their sense of exclusivity. In the case of emerging market such as China, the Cayenne and Panamera customers consider the car to be stylish but who may also enable to make a quick getaway if necessary. The concept from the chapter that explains why Porsche sold so many lower-priced models in the 1970s and 1980s is the concept of creating and capturing customer value. Its management thought that there were not enough buyers to keep the company afloat and begun to worry about the quirky nature of their traditional customs. So they created the entry-level Porsche 914 and 944 as lower-priced models. This strategy was an attempt to create more customers by offering value to them as explained in part 1 of the book. The management thought that by offering more value to the lower segment of the market, they would expand their customer base through scale and thus, keep the company afloat.Experience, however, has shown that this strategy backfired because it undermines the exclusivity appeal of the Porsche brand.Porsche’s brand appeal lies in its exclusivity. This however elicited a positive and negative attitude toward the brand by its customers.  Â
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Political and Geography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Political and Geography - Research Paper Example The United Nations actively promotes global peace and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (Basu 10). The Body has negotiated peaceful settlements that have ended numerous regional conflicts. This is evidenced by the border demarcations especially in Serbia, Yugoslavia and numerous Asian countries (Basu 68). The body has safeguarded human rights through several declarations and covenants that aim at ensuring protection of universal human rights. In this regard, the Human rights Commission advocates for the rights of women, children, minorities, immigrants and refugees (Basu 99). United Nation bodies, institutions, and agencies such as Economic and Social Council, World Health Organization, and United National Development Program have facilitated economic and social development of the member countries. Financial entities under the UN have facilitated international trade, foreign direct investments and transfer of technology among various countries in the world. United Nations has faci litated several peace keeping missions in African countries such as Burundi, Eritrea and Congo with the aim of ensuring peace (Basu 123). On the other hand, United Nations has suffered several criticisms and challenges. The body has encountered the problem of poor funding and control by the developed nations (Basu 221). The body is accused of being undemocratic since its has not taken actions against Israel which has continued taking unilateral actions against the neighboring countries. Accordingly, the body has lost credibility among African nations (Basu 228). The dependence on industrialized countries for financial support has hindered impartial decision-making of the United Nations Security Council. The Body failed in resolving the Cuban missiles, Iraq nuclear issue and terrorism issues. The Body is accused of failing to implement consensus in policies of dealing with climate change since industrialized countries are the highest carbon emitting nations (Basu
Friday, July 26, 2019
Social work reflective practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Social work reflective practice - Essay Example 26). Social workers in general are usually encouraged to think according to the terms of supervision, ground-breaking approach and eclecticism in extensive ranging. Consequently, a social psychological perspective on social occupation service is both obligatory and crucial for this assortment of concern. Problem solving and learning are very closely related. Problem solving involves the knowledge required by the responder which on the other hand learning fulfills it completely. There are different methods to problem solving that enables one to solve different problems, conflicts and many more issues (Reamer 2013, p. 36). All these methods require one to first identify the problem. The reflection can be used as the core process of solving or analyzing the problem at hand, which in this case is a conflict between two teenagers involved in a fight with an extend of both admitted to the hospital by the police. In this project, the reflective model will help the responder to fully adapt to the task which is the conflict. The two teenagers stared and argued just because of a mere issue, which led them to a fierce fight. That which is commonly known as â€Å"intelligence†is surely the result of the interaction of a great number of cognitive The use of motivation and knowing the background will; however, help me know the cause of the fight, which will be brought about abilities such as motor control, vision, learning, problem solving, and language use, just to name a few (Akhtar 2013, p. 55). Yet, most researchers do not fully exploit the constraints that these faculties impose on one another. For example, research on problem solving often assumes the existence of rich domain knowledge for solving complex problems, but it is typical ignores the issue the acquisition of the assumed knowledge. Similarly, research on learning often views the learner as an entity unto itself, and focuses
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Pathologies of Rational Choice by Green and Shapiro Research Paper
Pathologies of Rational Choice by Green and Shapiro - Research Paper Example When these methods are corrected most of the empirical outcomes no longer hold true. Green and Shapiro claim that rational choice theory provides little understanding of overall political interactions . The writers claim that there are methodological defects in the rational choice 2) According to Green and Shapiro (reading #7) how scientific is rational choice theory? Green and Shapiro have stated that rational choice theory is theory-driven rather than problem driven. There is a discrepancy between the faith placed in the rational choice theory by its practitioners and the failure of the theory to deliver empirical results. This raises questions on the rational choice theory as a scientific enterprise. The weakness of the rational choice theory has been an attempt by the theorists to come up with universal theories of politics. There is little attention paid to the fact as to how these theories may be put into operation. This is the reason that Green and Shapiro have declared it as an unscientific theory in which no empirical proof is available and only theoretical statements have been provided. 3) What conclusions do Green and Shapiro (reading #7) drawn regarding the value of rational choice theory? Although Green and Shapiro have been extremely critical of the rational choice theory but in their book they have found limited faults with the theory itself. They have mainly criticized the theorists who have been associated with the theory. The book says that rational choice theory can be extremely useful if further work is done on it. They have also accepted the theoretical frameworks which have been provided by the rational choice theory. The only problem lies in putting to practice of these theoretical frameworks. 4) In his discussion of Anthony Downs’ An Economic Theory of Democracy what does Bryan Jones (reading #10) regard as â€Å"a major addition to our understanding of rational Choice†? The major contribution of Anthony Down’s â€Å"An economic theory of democracy†has been to introduce the notion that search behavior is subject to a rational calculus. The more valuable is the outcome of a decision; the more search is one likely to perform. In case o flow information; a rational person will use shortcuts such as ideology or party identification. The addition of cost of search function along with understanding the role of risk and uncertainty are the major additions to the understanding of rational choice theory. 5) In your reading #11 on incrementalism, describe how Lindblom-Wildavsky’s model of incrementalism has succeeded and how in the eyes of some theorists it has failed. The theory of incrementalism has been declared by many critics in the sense that most policy decisions are incremental. These decisions are not re-examined every year against all the possible alternatives. More importantly even the critics of incremental theory have not represented a model of retu rn to rational, comprehensive decision making which was strongly rejected by Lindblom and Wildavsky. The theory also received a huge amount of criticism. John Wanat (1974) has argued that budget result could be accounted for by mandatory budget increases and there was no need to refer to constraints on individual decision making for this purpose. The theory of incrementalism was characterized by considerable rift as the concept was put into operation in different ways by different authors.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
What Is Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
What Is Management - Essay Example As factual as it is, no organization can exist and progress without a steady stream of managers. Management ranges from small enterprises to multinational companies. Therefore, for any organization or institution to achieve its goal, hiring experienced and quality managers are a factor to consider. The Australian standard claims that management is an organizational discipline of controlling records to meet the company’s needs. Management involves regulating, directing and inspecting work in general. Management is usually the manager's job because he is the one who organizes all the activities that run in the company. The manager also controls all levels of staff in order to make sure that the right job is done at the right time. Therefore, for an organization to have an organized work force it should hire a good manager. This is very essential because, a good manager brings out good management and vice versa. Why it is hard to do management well? The style in which managers ha ndle their responsibilities and duties will influence the effort spent and the level of performance achieved by staff. The manager should have a good relationship with the staff for smooth running of an organization(Griffin & Moorehead 2012:22). By relating and interacting with the staff, the manager will understand the psychological problems of the employees, hence reducing absenteeism and lateness. Consequently, this will lead to easy management, smooth running in the organization, higher production and huge profits as the outcome. Lack of good leadership also hinders the well being of management. This is because a leader should be a reflection of positivity. He should have the ability to lead and impact the organization at the same time. Therefore, a leader should acquire a unique set of personal values and ideas. Concerning the leader’s responsibilities to the organization, an effective leader must realize that he has a responsibility of molding some employees to become t he future leaders. Good leadership must ensure continuity by up building the young and less experienced employees. More so, leaders should portray passion in what they do and seek to instill passion and enthusiasm in their staff. Motivated employees deliver the best services which lead to customer satisfaction and better sales (Griffin & Moorhead, 2012:65). Therefore, an effective manager should find out the least performing department and its staff, and outline the reason of low productivity. The manager should then strategize on the best way to motivate the staff member to improve productivity. Another way of motivating employees is by letting them give their opinions. By doing so, the manager will understand how to manage them better. There are many types of motivating staff. The first way is to allow them to present their ideas by installing a suggestion box. Another way of motivating employees is by rewarding the best performing employees (Griffin & Moorehead, 2012:159). By doi ng so, employees will feel appreciated and will work harder. In another aspect, a manager may motivate his staff by enrolling them in seminars and workshops. All these types of motivation will make the employees feel more appreciated and cared for by the organization. Therefore, the company’s management should ensure on continuous motivation targeting the overall organizational goals, and supportive approaches to the employer's needs. However, motivation of staff just like any other aspect has the other side of negativity. This negativity arises when individuals among the staff try all means to find favor in the eyes of the manager, leading to unnecessary completion and even
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Data-Collection Method Comparison-Sheila Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Data-Collection Method Comparison-Sheila - Essay Example The data is collected directly from the field that enables the research to draw accurate and reliable conclusions. Both of them are usually constructed into culture of a given society and provide information from the ancient times to the current periods and must be interpreted by the researcher for a good conclusion to be arrived at. However, artifacts are more honest than the stories. This is because; in artifacts the researcher views for her/himself and can identify the hidden meaning (Goertz, & Mahone, 2012). On the other hand, stories can sometimes be made up that suits the researchers and at times the participant may lie. This provides false data that compromises the research. Both the criteria try to seek information from a particular source to a particular problem. They are methods of inquiry into a particular study regarding a research problem. The data must be then analyzed for interpretation. Never the less, primary data uses firsthand information from the field and can be used for comprehensive analysis. They are done to acquire new solutions to a particular problem and interact with the participant directly (Tracy, 2013). However, secondary data secondary data uses already stored data to improve on the existing analysis, or for references purposes and do not meet with the participant. Both methods involve direct actions of the researcher and the responded hence obtains first hand information. This ensures actions such biasness; lies and inaccurate information’s are minimized hence ensuring an honest data. Furthermore, both the interview and observations must notify the responded of their presence, intentions and how they would involve them in the study if they are to succeed in the study (Tracy, 2013). Interviews are usually well structured that provides an easier way to collect data from the field. The questions are made simple and clear.
The Wal-Mart Essay Example for Free
The Wal-Mart Essay Currently, Kroger is the country’s largest traditional supermarket chain. Kroger sells over $60 billion a year, and operates over 2500 supermarkets across the country. But even Kroger is still in competition with Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart’s philosophy and culture does not appear to value consumer or company ethics. They compete with more than food prices. Many supercenters offer a full-service drive-thru pharmacy, an optical center, a 1-hour photo processing center, a portrait studio, a bank, video rental store, hair and nail salon, fast food chain, tire shop, and even offer 24 hour a day-365 days a year availability. The temperature controls for all of Wal-Mart’s stores across the country are controlled by one computer in Bentonville, Arkansas. Because of Wal-Mart’s size, they have the power to instruct suppliers on how to package their products, including meats. However, meats is one area of the supermarket industry that Wal-Mart has some weaknesses because many supermarkets provide a friendly neighborhood butcher who provides a friendly face and customized approach to consumers’ meat needs. To Wal-Mart, hiring a butcher is a labor expense that is not needed. These types of attitudes in the supermarket industry are exactly the reason why consumers may choose to seek their family grocery needs in a culture and environment where more emphasis is placed on quality customer service, up-to-date technological advances, marketing strategies that cater to a more culturally-diverse consumer, quality products, and a smaller environment that provides a neighborhood-marketplace atmosphere. Smaller supermarkets can offer a wider variety of products, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry and fish. Many successful smaller supermarket chains sell a limited number of grocery items to ensure that the quality is maintained and products are not sitting on a shelf for an extended period of time, and change the product mix frequently to offer unique products at a good value, changing the shopping experience for every visit, especially for repeat and loyal customers. A study conducted in 1999 found that the implementation of customer loyalty programs/frequent shopper programs increased by 16 percent from the first quarter of 1998. As loyalty programs increase, and marketing technology becomes more integrated and advanced, the responsible analysis and collection of customer data will provide merchandisers with numerous opportunities to market products, programs and services that supermarkets can offer to its consumers, including those in an ethnically-diverse population. Supermarkets must be responsible and ethical in their collection of data about their consumers and cater to their shopping needs by offering both quality customer service from its employees, and quality products that fulfill their shopping needs. Extensive study must be done on the consumer to uncover where shoppers shop for certain needs like staple items, meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and organic foods, and offer these products in the most cost-effective manner so that the smaller supermarkets do not lose their market share to the larger supercenters and chains.
Monday, July 22, 2019
The African-American Odyssey Essay Example for Free
The African-American Odyssey Essay The emancipation of the African slave who was now disconnected from their traditions and way of life after nearly 300 years, is seemingly a great gush from the dam to the ebbs and flows of the struggle. The end of slavery as we know it, presented a ball of mixed emotions among the nation; North and SOUTH. Some slaves were grossly ecstatic to be free. For example, when a slave girl named Caddy, from Goodman, Mississippi found she was free, went to her mistress, flipped up her dress and told her Kiss my ass! On the contrary, some slaves were apprehensive of being free. For example, one elderly slave woman reportedly said, I ain no free nigger! I is got a marster and mistiss! Dee right dar in de great house. Ef you don believe me, you go dar an see. Though most slaves were detached from their families, many managed to regroup and find their love ones after their emancipation and constructed close knit families. Land was an viable means of survival in the minds of newly freedmen and the government was eager to deem lands to the ex-slaves . On January 16, 1865, General William T. Sherman told the freedmen that they will receive the land they were in search of. They were granted the head of each family would receive possessory title to forty acres of land. Sherman also gave the use of Army mules, thus giving rise to the slogan, Forty acres and a mule. Similarly in 1862 the Union military set aside land in Port Royal, South Carolina, which became known as the Port Royal experiment. The freedmen bureau was created to aid newly freed slaves in the transition from bondage to freedom in 1865. After Lincolns assassination the succession of his Vice president, Andrew Johnson, to the presidency meant that the white owners of the lands, that were given to the freedmen, would be returned. Sharecropping became a sort of ebb in the river of the African-American progression as far as freedom was concerned. Presented as labor contracts by white land owners, the institution of slavery was extended under a cloud of debt. In which, the black family, oft times became debtors due to the lack of honesty on the account of their white lender. Aside from family, among African-Americans, the black church became the most important institution. Not only did it fill deep spiritual and inspirational needs, it offered enriching music, provided charity and compassion to those in need, developed community and political leaders, and was free of white supervision. With the end of slavery, blacks who then had to attend services with white parishioners who treated them as second class Christians, could now organize and attend their own churches. The advent of the black church definitely brought about a flow in the river of struggle for African-Americans. Education was another flow in the river of struggle and a critical means of survival amongst people of color. It coincided alongside freedom. All who were versed in education of all sorts were summoned to teach the freedmen and their children. Teachers from all walks showed. Classes were held in churches, old slave markets, stables, taverns, homes, and former slave cabins. Funding came from various religious and political organizations and the Freedmens Bureau. Although white teachers helped a bit, black teachers were praised throughout the negro community because, as Rev. Richard H. Cain said , We must take into our own hands the education of our race Honest, dignified whites may teach ever so well, but it has not the effect to exalt the black mans opinion of his own race, because they have always been in the habit of seeing white men in honored positions, and respected. Most colleges and universities for blacks taught elementary and secondary level curriculum. The introduction of the historically black colleges and universities was formed from the idea of a higher education for people of color. In the midst of the newfound freedom, religious organization, and education of Negroes which was an obvious flow, a reoccurring ebb presented itself in the form of violence. Justice for the black man was never considered in those times. Thousands of innocent African-Americans were heinously murdered without a single conviction of a white perpetrator whom committed the acts. Atop the murders, black towns, businesses, churches, and schools were destroyed at the hands of the angry white southerners. The Failure of Reconstruction For the first time ever in history, a group of black men had concurrently became politicians. They were joined by the carpetbaggers of the north and the scalawags of the south in the Republican constituency. Of the 1,000 men elected as delegates to the ten state conventions, 265 were black. Collectively, they drafted new, striking constitutions that, unlike the previous constitutions, allowed all men to vote; even the ex-Confederates. Although, the Republicans displayed compassion upon their dealings with their opponents, the unruly Southern ego rose once more against the ratification of the new constitutions. In due course, the majority did manage to ratify and in each state, black men were elected to offices. As time progressed, nearly 1,500 black men were in office around the throughout the south. Among those were the likes of Blanche K. Bruce, Hiram R. Revels, Joseph Rainey, Jonathan J. Wright, Francis L. Cardozo, Robert Smalls, and Ferdinand Havis. This was a flow that led to inevitable ebb in the river of fight for African-Americans. That ebb presented itself in the form of the gradual failure of reconstruction. Issues such as education, social welfare, civil rights, land, and businesses plagued the Republican frame of thought daily. The black leaders efforts to facilitate education throughout the black and poor white communities failed overall. Lack of funds is the greatest blame for the inconsistency. At the time, there were no segregation laws, but whites refused to let their children go to school with blacks. Though a valid effort amongst African-Americans was given toward civil rights, they did not receive the respect that every other law abiding citizen received. For example, they were not accommodated at hotels and on public transportation, nor were they served as paying customers at various businesses. The blacks who worked for the white landowners were being cheated daily as if they were still in captivity. White employers would either fire the worker before the harvest or make up outlandish fees and debts. Some just didnt pay at all! Black leaders grew tired of the robbery and made laws to eliminate such happenings. The distribution of land amongst landless, yeomen, farmers didnt happen in any other state but South Carolina. Over fourteen thousand black families and a few white families, received land. Black businesses, unfortunately, did not and could not flourish due to the lack of funds during the expanding of the railroad. Other businesses made handsome amounts of profit but the African-American business owners could not cash in. Black politicians laid the foundation for public assistance, education, criminal justice reform but, could not do anything that directly dealt with their people. Reason being, was that they were the minority in the Republican party and in fact, were not allowed to ratify their own agenda. Besides, they couldnt agree on most things because they came from different walks of life. Bickering throughout the Republican party sparked a high turnover in political leadership and the loss of that very economic security? This made for inexperienced leadership and added to Republican woes. Opposition came to the party in various ways; Such as, the conservative Democrats who continued to heckle blacks who in any way participated in the political process and the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan, was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866, by ex-confederate soldiers who were hell-bent on eradicating and/ or terrorizing anyone who didnt submit to southern culture. They used any means necessary to remove blacks from politics. The Enforcement Act of 1870 was passed to prohibit Klansmen from wearing their regalia in public and protected the civil rights of black citizens. The following year the Ku Klux Klan Act was passed and it made the interference of a persons right to vote, hold office, jury duty and equal protection a federal offense. The fifteenth amendment was passed in 1869, and later ratified in 1870. It clearly expressed the right to vote to all citizens but failed to address the literacy tests, property possession rule, or the poll tax that continued to plague voters. Radical Republicans and northern whites alike grew exhausted with the dependency of blacks, (as they saw it) and looked upon them as unfit to be involved in the political system. They thought that reconstruction had been a mistake. The Freedmens Bank was founded in 1865 and done well until the white board of directors foolishly invested in Washington, D. C. real estate. The Panic of 1873 brought about a significant loss in unsecured railroad loans. As a result, the bank closed in 1874. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was an act of good intentions, yet it was ruled unconstitutional by U. S. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Bradley who, wrote that the Fourteenth Amendment protected black people from discrimination by states but not by private businesses. The end of Reconstruction was as brutal and contentious as the beginning. Blacks refused to vote in response to the terrorism inflicted upon them by the southern Democrats. The withdrawal of the federal troops that were to protect the rights of colored people left the black citizens with no means of defense and they therefore had to bow down to the numerous massacres that were to occur. The compromise of 1877, in which, Samuel J. Tilden and Rutherford B. Haynes, ran for the presidency, brought about more violence towards blacks and grew worse as time passed.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
UK NHS Framework for Coronary Heart Disease | Analysis
UK NHS Framework for Coronary Heart Disease | Analysis A Critical Analysis of the Impact of a Current Healthcare Policy on a Group of Clients/Users Introduction In considering the impact of a current healthcare policy on a group of clients/users, the United Kingdom’s National Service Framework (NSF) for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), offers a classical example for examination of the foregoing. In particular women as a subject group provides an interesting basis by which to analyze user experience, quality of service as well as fairness/justice. Globally, 10 million of the 27 million deaths of women are as a result of Coronary Heart Disease with one third of the foregoing total, 10 million, occurring in developed countries (Bonita, 2000). And while Coronary Heart Disease is known to be a leading cause of death among men, it is also ‘the’ leading cause of death for European women (Mcguire, 2000). In the United Kingdom Coronary Heart Disease is the number one cause of premature death among both men and women and shows a marked skew with regard to social classification. The death rate attributed to Coronary Heart Disease among males from manual worker classifications is forty percent (40%) higher than for those from non-manual segments (National Health Service, 2005). And while coronary heart disease is four to five times more prevalent in males than females for the age groups under 65, the gap narrows considerably after this age. And this particular age occurrence discrepancy is one of the critical sources of misunderstanding, focus, appropriation, resources and service as the medical profession, insurance industry, and public in general tend to view coronary heart disease as primarily affecting males. And while the preceding is true, in terms of the age groups under 65 (Mcguire, 2000), the fact is that women live longer than men thus as the incidence of coronary heart disease and the associated care is spread out over a longer period as well as at a more advanced age. The circumstantial inequities that the preceding give or gave rise to shall be the examination points addressed herein in terms of considerations with respect to the impact of current health care policy in terms of analyzing user experience, quality of service as well as fairness/justice, with particular emphasis on women. In order to accomplish this broad and sweeping analysis, an understanding of the disease, and allied points will need to be established to provide the foundation from which to reach a determination as to the three subject areas indicated. Coronary Heart Disease A distressing fact that has been uncovered as a result of a study by the World Health Organization (1997) is that coronary heart disease is rising in developed countries. The World Health Organization (1997) attributed the foregoing to the increased overall age of relative populations as well as the onset of increasingly poor health behavioral patterns. Dr. Abby King (2000) indicated that of the forty plus studies that have been undertaken on a global basis concerning various aspects of coronary heart disease it was found that there was a correlation between physical activity and premature mortality. Dr. King (2000) stated that said study consisted of a field that was comprised thirty-three percent (33%) of woman. Said studies have shown that inactivity in women revealed on average a two-fold risk or the development of cardiovascular problems as compared to their peers who were or are more active. It was also uncovered through these studies that the economic costs in terms of not onl y the direct treatment but also, those associated with the relative inactivity of patients amounted to substantial outlays. The increase in coronary heart disease has also been attributed to the elevated cholesterol levels that are prevalent in Western countries. Dr. Anita Schmeiser-Rieder (2000) has found that approximately forty percent (40%) of women above the age of fifty-five (55) have serum cholesterol levels that are elevated. Dr. Schmeiser-Rieder (2000) indicated that the preceding condition peaked in women between the ages of sixty-five (65) and seventy-four (74) and that fully sixty-one percent (61%) of those researched had hypercholesterlomia. The disturbing finding that was uncovered in studies by the World Health Organization (1997) is that coronary heart disease and stroke will continue to be the leading cause of death among both men and women over the next twenty years, increasing to the second and third causes of death from its present ranking of fifth and sixth by 2020. The World Health Organization (1997) cites that the major causes of both stroke and coronary heart disease are: smoking high blood pressure cholesterol body mass index And while studies conducted by the WHO (World Health Organization) MONICA (2000) Project shows a decline in smoking trends, a rise in smoking among young woman as well as adult women has been noted in: Russia (Novosirbirsk) Germany (Augsberg) Belgium Spain (Catalonia), and Poland, where the recorded increase has been as much as ten percent (10%). As the number one cause of stroke and coronary heart disease, the rise in female smoking is alarming, made even more dramatic by the fact that females historically smoke less than their male counterparts across all age groups. The findings of varied studies has conclusively indicated that the incidence of stroke and coronary heart disease increases with respect to those individuals whose lifestyles expose them to the additional risks that are associated with the two conditions. The World Health Organization (1997) has determined that changes in lifestyle as well as personal habits effectively reduce the risk associated with contracting these diseases. The foregoing is of particular significance to women, as the emphasis on efforts to change lifestyles and habits has been primarily focused upon the male segment of the population whose rate of incidence with respect to stroke and coronary heart disease has been higher. The corresponding increase in poor lifestyle and smoking habits among females in the countries indicated reveals that such an approach has not only been short sighted, by failed to take into account the longer life cycle of females thus increasing the onset of coronary heart disease and stroke in later years as a result of higher age where female incidents almost match those of males. The foregoing factors are important base line informational points to develop an understanding of the varied inputs and considerations that comprise the complex variables inherent in equating the range of aspects to be addressed in analyzing user experience, quality of service as well as fairness/justice. The preceding points out the need to utilize what is termed as a ‘high reach’ strategy (Bonita, 2000) that reaches both the male and female segments of the population in terms of alerting them to the relative risks, preventive measures, lifestyle augmentation, and allied aspects known to have demonstrated a decrease in stroke and coronary heart disease when utilized in a proper manner. Such an initiative when conducted on a population-wide (high reach) basis helps to alert individuals to the relative dangers and causes of high blood pressure, negative connotations associated with smoking and lack of physical activity, the three highest contributors to the condition. Alerting populations to reduce the intake of salt, alcohol, saturated fat as well as the benefits of increased physical activity would reduce the relative levels of blood pressure and thus the corresponding reduction in medical costs assumed not only by individuals, but society at large. By combining the aforementioned with what is termed a high-risk strategy (Bonita, 2000), in efforts that are directed at the identification of women in this category, along with offering treatment to the women within this group whose risk factor(s) are above the norm in terms of the potential for a coronary disease event can generate significant improvements in long term results. The utilization of educational media efforts in combination with treatment availability is a preventive measure that recognizes the need to head off the high costs of medical facilities, and allied costs to the government via preventive measures. As the subject country being utilized for this examination is the United Kingdom, the foregoing is applicable. The same holds true for countries where insurance coverage’s are used to supplement individual treatment costs, along with the calculated losses to society with respect to the associated costs that accompany coronary heart disease events. In the case of the United Kingdom, with the taxpayers bearing the cost of medical care under the country’s socialized medical program, the realities of the treatment and after care costs of coronary heart disease are a real expenditure concern. In particular the recognition of the heretofore hidden costs in this area as a result of the scant attention paid to the real costs associated with women, the foregoing represents an opportunity to make an significant impact in cost controls, and more importantly the health of an entire segment of the population. And while women as a group have an overall lower absolute risk factor than men, in terms of the potential for women to have a coronary heart disease event, this differs depending upon the age group category. As indicated by Dr. Anita Schmeiser-Rieder (2000), forty percent (40%) of females who are above the age of fifty-five (55) years of age have elevated cholesterol levels and this condition actually peaked for the age group between sixty-five (65) through seventy-four (74) where sixty-one percent (61%) if the research group had this condition. The aforementioned supports the view that strategies aimed at high-reach in conjunction with high-risk represent a necessary approach to bring the incident of the risk of conditions that contribute to increased onset of coronary heart disease under preventive type control program measures. The preceding analysis takes on additional importance when one considers that estimates regarding the probability factors concerning woman above the age of fifty, as well as the increased incidence of smoking in young women and the need for education regarding lifestyle and health preventive measures to reduce probabilities later in life represent contributory factors that can be somewhat controlled. Prevention approaches to call attention to the risks of smoking, high cholesterol diets, and the lack of proper exercise represent measures that have shown to produce a reduction in coronary heart disease numbers over specified periods. Classified as lifestyle and personal habit changes, the reduction or elimination of known contributors that increase the potential of CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) has yielded positive results. It is important to note that in the instance of women, the absolute risk of coronary heart disease remains at relatively low levels until they reach their seventies and eighties, however, the reduction in conditions attributable to said condition in earlier years has been shown as a positive preventive measure (Bonita, 2000). As pointed out by Dr. Bonita (2000) the primary contributors to the coronary heart disease epidemic are: the onset of population aging, rapid urbanization, changes in nutrition, and smoking patterns, along with reduced physical activity Any program that purports to achieve relative success will need to incorporate the preceding along with post CHD treatment and follow up measures as well. Cardiac Rehabilitation Services The United Kingdom’s National Service Framework for coronary heart disease is under a revision program which the Secretary of State for Health, Alan Milburn, states the primary focus is the â€Å"saving of lives†by the reduction of â€Å"†¦the death rate from heart disease and †¦ stroke †¦Ã¢â‚¬ by â€Å"†¦ two fifths†¦Ã¢â‚¬ for individuals under the age of seventy-five (75) by the year 2010 (National Health Service, 2005). The preceding will be accomplished through the following measures (National Health Service, 2005): the development of a new vision concerning coronary heart disease, the establishment of a government-wide agenda, further development and improvement of the National Service Framework for CHD providing effective services to all individuals in the United Kingdom that can benefit The preceding directly address the three points user experience, quality of service as well as fairness/justice, along with other concerns. Through the modernization of the National Health Service’s treatment, care and public awareness approaches the objective is to improve the foregoing across age, gender, cultural, race, disability, locale, and religious lines, as well as being â€Å"†¦ responsive†¦Ã¢â‚¬ to the needs of individuals (National Health Service, 2005). Some examples of the need to revise and modernize the system is evidenced by the following facts (National Health Service, 2005): The wives of workers in the manual class are at twice the risk factor in developing coronary heart disease and stroke than the wives of workers whose jobs are of a non-manual classification. The morbidity rate among the manual class group is also higher than in the non-manual group designation, and this group also reflects increased incidences of angina, heart attack and stroke. The disparity in come between poor and rich has widened over the previous twenty years creating a further gap in health survivability as the more affluent segment of society has been able to afford private medical care as well as increased nutritional guidance and lifestyles that promote as well as can afford more physical activity. Historical records have shown that death rates are higher in the northern locales of the United Kingdom, representing almost three times the rate for individuals over the age of sixty-five (65) in cities such as Manchester than for Richmond or Kingston. The preceding further illustrates the inequities in terms of user experience, quality of service as well as fairness/justice. The new National Health Service program sets forth that it seeks significant improvement in the following areas, all of which will enhance the indicated three examination points (National Health Service, 2005): Standards The National Health Service is aiming to establish a ‘standard of care’ that includes an invitation for individuals whom have been admitted to a hospital for coronary heart disease to participate in programs consisting of cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention. The preceding is aimed at reducing future risk of cardiac problems and to help them to return to a normal life. Rationale Admission to a hospital represents individuals whose condition is severe. This signals that their lifestyles to this point have consisted of various high-risk exposures, such as smoking, high cholesterol diets, and other conditions that if changed can lead to significant improvements in rehabilitation. To accomplish the preceding said patients must be analyzed and then coached concerning the lifestyle changes and modifications needed to aid them in returning to a healthier manner of living to reduce future incidents and effect recovery. The World Health Organization (1997) defines cardiac rehabilitation as consisting of a â€Å"†¦ sum of activities†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ that are necessary to effectively influence and identify the underlying causes of the disease to individuals through their own actions can help to effect their recovery. Through increasing the quality of service that offers comprehensive assistance that is custom tailored to their individual circumstances. The aforementioned provides the foundation to enable counseling and aiding individuals in understanding ways in which to change their lifestyle habits, as well as better understand their illness and effect the transition back to as normal and full a life as possible. The aim is to make rehabilitation â€Å"†¦ an integral†¦Ã¢â‚¬ aspect of the active as well as secondary preventive care regime. By establishing rehabilitative procedures immediately after discharge and the establishment of a long term formal program that focuses on returnin g the individual to the best health possible the government estimates a net gain of approximately  £15,700 per instance over a three year period. In the case of women, they represent one third of the individuals with coronary heart disease, yet just fifteen percent (15%) of their total utilize rehabilitative services (Green, 2000). The attention to improving the quality of service the initiative also aims at removing the disproportionate care provided that does not adequately cover rural parts of the country. Effective Interventions Participation barriers can be a result of varied causes, such as the lack of proper motivation to difficulties in attending rehabilitative sessions. In the case of women it was discovered that there was a lack of appropriate provisions, which the current modernization program seeks to correct to provide fairness as well as justice throughout the system. The foregoing also includes minority groups as well. In terms of improving the quality of service the new program consists of Four Phases (National Health Service, 2005): Phase 1 This Phase comes into effect before the discharge of an individual from the hospital, and is to be offered as a part of the acute care plan. It includes the following elements: review and assessment of psychological, physical and social needs for rehabilitation development of a written plan to meet identified needs counseling and advice on detrimental lifestyle aspects such as smoking, cholesterol, exercise, alcohol, etc. prescribing of medication and education on its proper use information concerning cardiac support groups Phase 2 As part of the early post discharge period individuals will receive the following: a comprehensive assessment of their cardiac risk which will include their psychological, social and physical needs for rehabilitation and the plan to achieve these ends lifestyle advice from trained therapists resuscitation training for members of the affected individual’s family Phase 3 This segment of the four phase plan comes into utilization four weeks after the cardiac events initial phase and consists of a series of structured exercise sessions along with ongoing access to support and advice from people trained to provide them with psychological interventions, promotion of health, exercise and associated advice. Phase 4 The final aspect of the four-tiered program that consists of: long term primary care follow up local cardiac support group involvement referrals to identified support services as initiated in Phase 1 The modernized and revised National Service Framework is a highly structured series of interlocking programs that are designed to alleviate as well as eliminate the missing components of the prior coronary heart disease plan which evolved over decades, into a comprehensive system that has been revised based upon today’s understandings. It aims to achieve coverage of all groups and categories of individuals through education, assessment, contact and a cardiac event that provides qualified, balanced and comprehensive coverage and care whose major components are as follows (National Health Service, 2005): The identification of individuals that are likely to benefit from a structured cardiac rehabilitation program before discharge from a hospital, the assessment of individual risks as well as needs, along with the development of a structured plan to achieve successful cardiac rehabilitation, the documentation and provision to deliver the proper treatment as well as advice the integration of required and agreed upon care that is weaved into the patients local network of primary and secondary treatment, preventive and related care, The experiences gained under the prior system, as well as all of the inequities have been addressed under the National Health Service’s new modernization plan that provides and sets relevant standards with effective interventions under structured service models that define and addresses the immediate priorities of each individual patient. Conclusion The scope and complexity that comprises the field of coronary heart disease makes this a subject whereby the factors inherent in its causes as well as manifestations entail equating aspects of human behavior across the entire spectrum of demographic, cultural, social and psychological realms to codify commonalities and possible associative elements that tend to explain the reasons and causes for the world’s most pervasive killer. As the field of examination represents healthcare, the core of understanding evolves an evolutionary process based upon decades of exposure, analysis and experience gained within the United Kingdom as well as on the world stage. The National Health Service has recognized the significance of the preceding and has crafted a program that seeks to build upon the known(s) within the subject field in a program that is flexible enough to improve upon itself to incorporate those aspects, considerations and new understandings that will inevitably will occur wi th new discoveries and as a result of the comprehensive data based system that will permit further modification and evolution. Thus, user experience, along with quality of service, and fairness/justice with respect to the new National Service Framework has been addressed to exclude the existing inequities and shortcomings, yet understands that it is an evolutionary process that will continue to modify and improve upon itself using past experiences along with the new framework as the foundation from which to accomplish this. The Secretary of State for Health, Alan Milburn (2000) firmly establishes the preceding in referring to the â€Å"†¦ National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease†¦Ã¢â‚¬ as the nation’s â€Å"†¦ blueprint for tackling heart disease†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Mr. Milburn’s statement goes on to add that the new ‘Framework†is based upon the understanding and recognition of past inequities and shortcomings which this new initiative addresses, along with the understanding of â€Å"†¦ the importance of modern prevention and primary care as well as the contribution of the more specialized services.†The fact that the National Health Service has undertaken this modernization program clearly indicates that it understood and recognized the prior user experience, service quality and fairness/justice components needed considerable improvement. Regardless of how deeply one would delve into the inequities of the past, there could be an argument made for areas and points that were not covered, as the list is extensive. And no matter how comprehensive the present system is, it is an evolutionary framework that will have its own initial and ongoing issues and inequities to face as well as resolve. The difference between the two systems is that the present one was developed with the understanding that it will continue to improve upon itself as it learns from its base of past expertise. In the complex and ever changing world of medical care, the preceding is all that can be asked from its healthcare agency, with the understanding that no matter how comprehensive the plan, modern changes and developments can and will render segments as obsolete, thus the need for a built in foundation that incorporates this as its framework. The very fact that past user experience, service quality and fairness/justice had shortcomings, along with other points is the reason behind the new Framework initiative, and this in itself is a progressive view that is responsive to the needs of the populace, which is the rationale for the government’s existence. Bibliography Bonita, Ruth, M.D. 2000. Woman, Heart Disease, and Stroke: A Global Perspective. Article at The First National Conference on Woman, Heart Disease and Stroke: Science and Policy in Action. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Green, D.G., Casper, L. 2000. Delay, Denial and Dilution. IEA Health and Welfare Unit, London, the United Kingdom King, Abby, M.D. 2000. Physical Activity as a Contributor to Heart Disease in Woman. Article at The First National Conference on Woman, Heart Disease and Stroke: Science and Policy in Action. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Maguire, Peg. 2000. Coronary Heart Disease, Not for Men Only. Article at The First National Conference on Woman, Heart Disease and Stroke: Science and Policy in Action. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada National Health Service. 2005. Coronary Heart Disease. National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease: Modern Standards Service Models, The United Kingdom Schmeiser-Rieder, Anita, MD. 2000. Cholesterol Levels in Woman in the Western World. Article at The First National Conference on Woman, Heart Disease and Stroke: Science and Policy in Action. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada WHO MONICA Project. 2000. WHO Mortality Data Base. World Health Organization, Geneva , Switzerland World Health Organization. 1997. Annual Report. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland What is Liposuction? What is Liposuction? Liposuction – a way of getting rid of that extra fat on the body! In the busy world of today, managing time in our daily routine has become the most difficult thing to do! Because of which, people barely get time to exercise and keep themselves fit. And to add on to it, canned food exists in opulence! In a world which is ideal, Liposuction (Fat removal) would not be needed. Everyone would eat moderately, in the appropriate quantities and would exercise. But the world is far from ideal! And hence, with each passing year, Plastic Surgery for unwanted fat removal or Liposuction is becoming more and more favourite among the people! Everybody wants to look fit and healthy. Being overweight can be a factor of embarrassment and may be a social stigma. Obese (overweight) people when stigmatized, may even feel a bit low on confidence! Hence, to get rid of this embarrassment and in order to look presentable, such people seek for Liposuction/ Fat Removal treatment. Let’s find out more about this ‘Liposuction’ treatment: What exactly is Liposuction? The literary meaning of the term â€Å"Liposuction†is removal of fat from the body with help of suction. At the time of this procedure, thin, small, blunt-tipped tubes (cannula) are inserted through small incisions (cuts) in the skin. The doctor moves the tubes around under the skin to direct at specific fat deposits. The fat is thus suctioned out through these tubes. Non-surgical Liposuction: A substitute to surgical liposuction wherein different technologies are used to liquefy fat using non-invasive methods like lasers, ultrasonics and injections of chemical agents. With the advent of newer modern and improved techniques/ methods, Liposuction has become much easier, safer and less painful. These modern techniques are as following: Tumescent Liposuction: The area where the tube is to be inserted, a local anesthetic is used for numbing that particular area from where the fat is to be suctioned out. After that, a large amount of an anesthetic solution consisting of epinephrine and lidocaine is injected into the fatty tissue before suctioning out the fat. General anesthesia may not be required in this kind of procedure. Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction: In this method, ultrasound is used for liquefying the fat, thus making the fat removal easier. This kind of technique may prove beneficial in case of removing fat from the sides, upper abdomen and back. Laser-assisted Liposuction: In this method, low-energy waves are utilized for liquification of the fat, which is then removed with the help of a small cannula. The procedure is generally carried out as an outpatient procedure in a properly equipped Doctor’s office, surgical center or a hospital. Only when a large amount of fat is required to be removed from the body, an overnight hospital stay would be needed. In such a case, a deep sedation or general anesthesia with a local anesthetic may be administered. Why is it done? The chief motive behind Liposuction is to re-shape one or more regions in your body and NOT to reduce body weight. The â€Å"problem†areas which do not react to diet and exercise, are tackled by carrying out Liposuction. These areas are namely – the outer thighs and hips in case of female and the waist and the back in case of men. Also, the areas that are generally treated using Liposuction are – the face, neck, back, abdomen, upper arms, legs and buttocks. Liposuction may at times be carried out along with certain other Cosmetic Surgery procedures viz. â€Å"Tummy tuck†(Abdominoplasty), Face-Lift or Breast Reduction. A few clinical conditions may be treated with the help of Liposuction, which include the following: Abnormal enlargement of the male breasts (Gynecomastia or Pseudogynecomastia) Benign fatty tumours (Lipomas) Excessive sweating in the armpits (Axillary hyperhidrosis) Problems with fat metabolism in the body (Lipodystrophy) Liposuction is not used to get rid of Obesity. It will NOT help to clear out cellulite or stretch marks. What to anticipate after the treatment? After the procedure has been carried out, the treated area is tightly wrapped in order to diminish swelling, pain and bruising. Elastic bandages and tape, a special girdle or some type of fitting garment may be used, based on the area that has been treated. The patient may need to wear the compression garment for about 3-4 weeks. At least for the first 7-10 days, a lot of bruising and swelling is expected to occur. The fluid may evacuate from the site of incision for a few days. The patient may be prescribed antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. After the procedure has finished, and the effect of anesthesia and sedation has been subsided, most of the patients may resume their daily activities as and when they feel comfortable. In case of larger areas undergoing liposuction, recovery may take a bit longer. Outcomes of the Surgery: When carried out in small regions on the body, Liposuction may give out the best desired results. But in case where a person regains weight after undergoing the procedure, the fatty bulges that were removed earlier are most likely to reappear or appear in another place. There may be quite notable changes observed in the body contour immediately after the surgery. It may take several months to a year for the full effects of the surgery to show up. Liposuction does not necessarily tighten the skin around the treated region. After the fat removal has been done, the skin around that region may become a bit loose. For the skin to tighten, it may take up to 6 months. In case of young people, skin retraction is faster. Every surgical procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages. And when it comes to Cosmetic Surgery, it’s no different! There are some risks that are involved with the procedure of Liposuction. Let’s have a look as to what complications may arise after the Fat Removal Surgery: If Liposuction is carried out by an experienced Cosmetic Surgeon in a well equipped surgical setup, it is usually safe. In cases, where a larger amount of area or more than one area have undergone the surgery, the chances of complications arising are more. Bruising, swelling (which is temporary), numbness and soreness in and around the region treated Minor scarring and irritation at the site of insertion of cannula Rippling or baggy skin Certain less common risks include: Uneven skin surface over the region treated Permanent change in colour of the skin Damage to the skin and the nerves, particularly in case of Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction It is very important for people to be careful and not gain extra weight after the surgery. As it may result in fat deposition in certain other parts which are deep inside the body, such as the internal organs like heart, liver etc. Such type of fat deposition can be more fatal. Dangerous risks include: Blood clots or fat clots, which may travel to the lungs (Pulmonary embolism) Excessive blood or fluid loss which may result in Shock Pulmonary edema – fluid accumulation in the lungs Toxic reaction to injected solution, particularly in cases when larger areas are treated. People who have severe heart problems, or blood clotting disorders or pregnant females should NOT undergo Liposuction procedure. Things to note: Liposuction is NOT a mean for reducing weight and it is never an alternative to exercise and a balanced diet. As a matter of fact, most of the Cosmetic Surgeons are of the opinion that the best candidates to undergo Liposuction would be healthy people who are at or very close to a healthy weight but who have stubborn fat deposit which does not respond well to exercise. Liposuction should be carried out only by an experienced Cosmetic Surgeon who is well-trained in Liposuction and knows well how to tackle the complications during surgery.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Frontier of America :: essays research papers fc
::::Just a note, I wrote this my Junior Year in high school, so don't expect anything amazing. Please feel free to use, edit, tweak in any way you want. Just make sure you document :D:::: The United States of America is a perfect name for the country. It is after all many states united. But to have states you must have land for those states. Before those stats become land they must be a frontier, or as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, â€Å"A region that forms the margin of settled or developed territory.†The United States has had a frontier of endless land, which has been settled throughout many years. The Frederick Jackson Turner thesis on the frontier states: Up to our own day American history has been in a large degree the history of the colonization of the Great West. The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward explain American development. Expansion of the United States can be traced from the first of those who settled in Jamestown. It all began with a simple idea, a faster route to India. Yet instead of going around Africa someone proposed to just sail west. Yet when these people sailed west they had not reached India. They found North America. They had made the first frontier of America, the colonial frontier. Other groups came to this vast land with its seeming endless frontier. This frontier had multiple challenges, such as Indians, survival, and means of trading for use in mercantilism. The Pilgrims, at Plymouth, followed the Jamestown adventurers. Later the Puritans settled into what today is Boston and Salem. The Frontier, which was ever expanding, and always existent in the United States, grew immensely after the revolutionary war. In the Treaty of Paris the United States received the area known as the North West Territory. It was from the Mississippi River to the present day boundary, which were the Appalachia n Mountains as was stated in the Proclamation Line of 1763. This virtually doubled the size of the United States. This land had already had many settlers, and was a booming frontier. The territory was going to be divided into about 5 states, each of which would not have slavery. The next addition to the United States came at a very prosperous time, when Jefferson was in office. He received the Louisiana Purchase.
Morality Essay example -- Moral Ethics Philosophy essays
Morality      Moral philosophy is very important to the success of an individual. But, before I tell you why moral philosophy is so important, and how it has helped me in my life, let me give you a little background knowledge. Rational knowledge has two components. These components are material and formal. Formal knowledge is not object oriented, and is based on reason. Formal knowledge is logic, or the laws of thought. Material knowledge is object oriented, and has two components. These two components are natural and moral. Natural law is physics. It determines what is the case, and how things behave in nature. On the other hand, moral law determines what things ought to be. Morality is something humans think about, and is not based on physiological factors.      Now that we have a little background of knowledge and moral law, let me tell you why you should lead a moral life. Even though morality is not imposed upon you, it is about humanity. And, while it may not seem fair, in reality, morality is judged by humans. So, if you are immoral, other people will be the ones that notice that you are immoral, and that can hurt personal relationships. One way that I have succeeded throughout my career is by knowing and being friends with a lot of people.      The practical side of life is based on interpersonal relationships. Whether it be social or business, communicating with people is the only way to get things done. There is no way that you can go through life in today's society without getting along with people. If people think that you are immoral, than they will not respect you, or be willing to work with you. Again, it may seem like it is not fair because you know that no one is one hundred percent moral, and if someone doesn't respect you because you are immoral, than they are hypocritical. But, when it comes to moral issues, the reality of the world is that people are hypocritical. They feel it is okay for them to do it, but not okay for anyone else.      Think about it, how many times have you said, "I can't believe that he did that; he's a jerk." Knowing the entire time that you have done the same thing. You may say, "Who cares!" I'm here to tell you that one day you might care. Let me give you and example. After I completed a business venture that made me over one million dollars, I learned that the only reaso... ...Moral law has helped me be successful in everything that I do.      Being a 65 year old man, I have seen a lot. I know the value of moral philosophy. Moral philosophy has helped me be successful in every thing that I have done. You may ask, "How has it helped you be successful?" Well, I have told you a couple of aspects of moral philosophy, and all of these aspects have helped me keep things in perspective. Financial success will come with morality, but if it doesn't, then you will still be better off because you have led a moral life.      There have been times in my life when I have succumb to selfish inclination, and the results were immediately good. But ultimately, if I had been labeled as an immoral person, and was not able to do certain things because people didn't like me, than I definitely wouldn't have been the one invited to give this talk to you. By the way, I am getting paid an awful lot of money for this talk. So there is another way that morality has helped me. Happiness is not a grounding for morality, because some immoral people are happy. But, morality can lead to ultimate happiness and greater success in whatever you attempt to do in life.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Vonnegut versus Strindberg :: essays research papers
Kurt Vonnegut is one of the preeminent writers of the later half of the twentieth century. His works are all windows to his mind, a literary psychoanalysis. The play â€Å"Miss Julie†, by August Strindberg, has two subordinates, a daughter and a servant, who are subject to eachother’s authority. Julie is Jeans superior in terms of class, jean is julies superior in terms of morality, because Jean is a man and Julie is a â€Å"degenerate†woman. These class differences structure most of both the plays actions. The plays are conservative in sentiment. They keep these superior and inferior positions in place and ultimately submits both characters to the total authority of the count. An uncountable number of power reversals occurring along class and gender lines throughout the plays. The difference between Jean and Julie is central to their attraction. Whereas Julie expresses a desire to fall from her social position, Jean expresses an idle desire to climb up from his social position. Jean hopes to better his social status by sleeping with Julie, when he discovers that she is penniless, he abandons his plans. By sleeping with Jean, Julie degrades herself and places herself beneath Jeans level. The power shifts again, however, when Julie reasserts her superior class, mocking Jean’s name and family line. In Kurt Vonnegut’s â€Å"Who am I This Time,†Harry Nash is a shy hardware store employee. But whenever he takes a part in a local amateur theatre production, he becomes the part completely. Helene is new in town, a lonely internant telephone company employee. On a whim, she auditions for and gets the part of Miss Julie. Before anyone realizes the problem, she falls madly in love with Jean not knowing what the real man is like. In both plays the people fall for each other, not knowing who they are really falling in love with.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Rabbit Proof Fence Essay
Physical journeys involve the movement of a person from one place to another. They provide opportunities for travellers to extend themselves physically, intellectually and emotionally as they respond to challenges and learn more about the world around them. This concept of physical journeys can be clearly seen in the texts â€Å"Rabbit-Proof Fence†by Phillip Noyce and â€Å"A Horse with No Name†by America. Both texts use a number of methods and technical features, to represent the journey and the impact of its result. The film â€Å"Rabbit-Proof Fence†tells the story of 3 Aboriginal girls (Molly, Daisy and Gracie) who travel on foot across 1500km of inhospitable Australian outback to be reunited with their family, after being forcibly removed by the Australian government. It has been represented as a physical journey of epic proportions, an act of survival and a quest for freedom, as the girls lead by Molly, overcome various obstacles. Such as surviving without food, water or shelter in the harsh Australian bushland, while navigating their way home via the rabbit-proof fence and cleverly outsmarting their tracker. The primary setting of the text is the physical landscape of outback Australia over which the girls embark their journey. This landscape is used throughout the film to represent the progression of the girl’s journey through its changing terrain, emphasising the distance they have travelled and the hardships that they have had to face. Their lack of freedom on the journey is represented visually through the juxtaposition of point of view shots of the landscape through the bars of imprisonment, when they are being sent away. This contrasts the previous scenes where an aerial shot is taken of them roaming freely, in their vast and spacious environment. In effect it symbolises they oppression that they feel and creates an understanding of the importance of the journey to the girls. The use of other film techniques such as slow motion, the playing of indigenous Australian music and close-up shots of their faces during the girls travels emphasis their physical and emotional displacement as a result of the journey. Also as the film is seen through the eyes of Molly we are aware of the importance of the journey to her through her continuous determination, as well as the impact it has had on her through her gradual deterioration and exhaustion. The film relies on the conventions of realism to represent the physical journey undertaken. The hardship of the journey is illustrated through a series of images, including a heat haze-where they are dragging their feet through the sand, them digging desperately for water and Molly carrying Daisy, as she cannot continue any longer. This physical journey has resulted in individual learning and growth and an understanding of the world. This is particularly evident through the character of Molly. As a result of this journey, she has discovered many things about herself, her spirituality and her identity, as well as the world she lives in, and her place in it. In the song â€Å"A Horse with No Name†a story is told about a man travelling by himself through the desert on a horse. He is exploring the world, and discovering things about himself and life without the interruptions that society and its people bring. The theme of physical journey has been reinforced by the consistent rhyming pattern of ABAB throughout the song. As it flows, it progressively reveals his story and reinforces the impact it has had on him. The concept of physical journey has also been achieved through the choice of words that reveal his inner feelings and motifs. Evidence of this is in the line â€Å"in the desert you can remember your name, cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain†. This indicates he is on the search for his identity and to escape from society, which inturn represents the physical journey as a quest for spiritual growth and change. Throughout the journey the man looks many aspects of nature and life, these have had an impact on him physically due to the harsh climate of the desert and emotionally due to the sadness he feels in the face of death. This is illustrated through the use of figurative language in the lyrics and shows the impact and reality of the journey. The metaphor â€Å"the ocean is a desert with its life underground, and a perfect disguise above†represents and adds depth to the theme of physical journeys resulting in discovery and an understanding of the world. The extensive use of visual features and imagery such as â€Å"the sky with no clouds†, and the â€Å"red hot desert sun†coupled with the precise attention to descriptive detail, offers a realism to the experiences on his journey and the impact that this journey has made in his life. In conclusion, in both â€Å"rabbit-proof fence†and â€Å"a horse with no name†the concept of physical journeys is represented as a way by which people learn about themselves and discover the world around them, and will often result in spiritual growth.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Compare and Contrast on Fibers Essay
As nutrition labeling becomes immanent throughout the world, it is recognized that a hotshot definition of quality whitethorn be needed. New products be universe veritable or isolated that behave interchangeable role, yet do not correspond the traditional requirements of case, either analytically or physiologically. Without an accurate definition of role, compounds back end be designed or isolated and voiceless using available methods without necessarily providing estimable health effect, which close to people conduct to be an primary(prenominal) attri merelye of character reference. just about of us atomic number 18 familiar with the harm soluble vulcanized reference and insoluble fictitious character but what is the actual difference? urine-soluble roles bind with fatty acids and slow digestion so blood starting lines ar released more slowly into the personify. These references help lower LDL cholesterin and help regulate blood sugar levels for peopl e with diabetes. Insoluble fibers help render and move waste through the intestines and avow the pH levels in the intestines. These fibers help stop abnormality and keep you regular. The three most commonly used fibers atomic number 18 dietingary, functional, and heart fibers. dietetical case consists of non-digestible carbohydrates and lignin that are inborn and intact in plants. usable reference consists of isolated, non-digestible carbohydrates that have in force(p) physiological effects in humans. fall Fiber is the message of dietary Fiber and Functional Fiber. Dietary fiber comes from the portion of plants that is not digested by enzymes in the intestinal tract. Part of it, however, whitethorn be metabolized by bacteria in the lower gut. Different types of plants vary in their amount and kind of fiber.Dietary Fiber includes pectin, gum, mucilage, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Pectin and gum are water-soluble fibers plant inside plant cells. They slow the t ransit of food through the intestines but do nothing to increase fecal bulk. In contrast, fibers in cell walls are water insoluble. These include cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Such fibers increase fecal bulk and speed up the pass of food through the digestive tract. Dietary fiber whitethorn help mow the risk of some(prenominal) cancers, especially colon cancer.This idea is based on schooling that insoluble fiber increases the rate at which wastes are removed from the carcass. This means the body may have less characterisation to toxic substances produced during digestion. Dietary fiber is entrap only in plant foods such(prenominal) as fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. The form of foods may or may not bear on its fiber content. Canned frozen fruits and vegetables regress just as much(prenominal) fiber as raw virtuosos. Other types of process may reduce fiber content. Drying and crushing, for example, abrogate the water-holding qualities of fiber.The removal of seeds, or peels also reduces fiber content. Whole tomatoes have more fiber than peeled tomatoes, which have more than tomato juice. Likewise, whole wheat bread contains more fiber than white bread. Functional Fibers are isolated, non-digestible forms of carbohydrates that have been extracted from starchy foods or make from starches or sugars. Unlike dietary fibers which are consumed in whole foods like vegetables, grains and legumes. These added substances are considered fiber because, like dietary fiber, they impel digestion and perform some of the same functions when eaten.Functional Fiber may have some of the benefits of naturally consuming dietary fiber, such as helping to interrupt constipation or lowering blood glucose levels aft(prenominal) meals, but in contrast need nutrients and phytochemicals that come with fiber found in whole foods. Functional Fibers include gums, pectins, polydextrose and inulin. Inulin and polydextrose are water-soluble fibers as well as pectin and gums found in dietary fiber. Inulin is one functional fiber that is now being added into umpteen food products enabling an small source of carbohydrates for probiotic organisms populating the lower portion of the gastrointestinal system.Such fibers may increase beneficial bacteria in the gut, enhance immune function, add bulk to s besidesls, and help prevent constipation. Most nutritionists encourage getting fiber from whole foods that we eat because they contain many other healthful plant compounds. However, if you take overt get enough fiber in your diet (25-38grams daily) added functional fibers can help fill in the gap. On food labels, functional fibers are usually included in the grams of dietary fiber. ingest a wide variety of fibers is the idol solution to gaining all the health benefits.Total fiber is the sum of dietary fiber and functional fiber. Its not important to differentiate between which forms of each of these fibers you are getting in your diet but that t he total amount is moderate. Eating too much fiber (more than 50-60 grams of fiber a day) may decrease the amount of vitamins and minerals your body absorbs. To add more fiber to the diet, an respective(prenominal) can increase the amount eaten gradually, this gives the remain firm and intestines time to get used to the change.In addition, fiber supplements could easily lead to excess, which may cause intestinal discomfort thus, adding fiber to the diet with the addition of fiber moneyed foods is a safer route. Eating too much fiber too quickly may cause gas, diarrhea, and bloating. Excessive use of fiber supplements is associated with greater risk for intestinal problems. approximately of the benefits from a high fiber diet may be from the food that provides the fiber, not from fiber alone. For this reason, it is best to obtain fiber from foods rather than from supplements.
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