Tuesday, December 24, 2019
News Deception What Are We Really Missing - 2116 Words
News Deception: What Are We Really Missing? Introduction: Dramatizing the facts of a breaking news story has become a repetitive action seen in today’s media attention after a 2003 Florida appeals court granted Fox 25 News the right to distort information broadcasted to the public. Almost to conclude that major news stations hire professional actors to recite the news verse report it. The reality of this problem is that media sells and viewers fall victim daily to endless lies to exaggerate a current event and its happenings. A fact checking website similar to Politifact collected evidence that infamous Fox 25 News statistically reported 18% of the truth in their stories, with only 8% included to be completely true facts. CNN a top competitor has been proven to use truthful information averaging at 60% (Clifton, Allen. Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time). But which portions of the truth are reporters legally allowed to comment on? If news channels are given the right to falsify the truth an d report lies to viewers, is there an underlying truth that viewers are not being told? Because news media stations are granted the permission to skew facts, news deception has become a leading factor in the media business, which in return generates higher ratings that lead to confusion and corruption of the current happenings in the real world. News deception stretches far beyond that of falsifying a small current event, but the specificShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Descartes’ First Meditation Essay example1448 Words  | 6 Pagesthere is no definite transition from a dream to reality, and since dreams are so close to reality, one can never really determine whether they are dreaming or not. To reinforce that argument, Descartes presents the deceiving God argument. He says that since God is all powerful, then he has the power to deceive us about reality or our dreams. 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Galatians 6:7-8 talks about deception. 1 John 2:21 speaks about lying (Gospelway.com). Although deceivingRead MoreStudy Habits And Techniques Were Non Existence For Me1284 Words  | 6 Pagesstudying was around the time we took our standardized testing. Looking back, I can’t recall ever learning any study skills or strategies. It may have been that school for me was easy and I had no reason to study. Or I was not challenged academically to have to study. Nonetheless, soon I would find out the difficulties of navigating college courses without effective study skills and habits. I fell behind in college early because of my inability of how to study and what to study for. Just like me, there
Monday, December 16, 2019
Laugh, live, Smile.. today.. for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow Free Essays
Around some eighteen years ago, a miracle happened and a guy was born, yes u guessed it right, that guy was me. I was born in a town called Kanpur. Kanpur is my maternal place. We will write a custom essay sample on Laugh, live, Smile.. today.. for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have lived most the summer vacations during my childhood over there. Since my father has a transferable job, I got to live in various cities, explore different culture and make tons of friends. I started my schooling from a school called National Convent School, Mirzapur. I did my LKG and UKG over there. Then I along with my mom, shifted to my Aunt’s place in Haridwar. She used to treat me like her own son. She was the one who recognized the hidden talent of singing in me. She sent me for the formal training in vocal music to a music teacher whom I consider my guru. I have always been a lazy lad, to overcome my laziness, she then sent me to the Taekwondo sessions in the evening. She is a lady of values virtues. Discipline is in her blood. I have learned a lot from her. As she was an extensive traveler, I got to travel explore the hilly regions of Uttarakhand. After the two amazing years in Haridwar,I along with my mom shifted to Kanpur and we started living with my grandparents. I took admission in DPS Kanpur and my mother was a teacher in another school. An year passed and I got promoted in fifth standard. Now here comes an interesting phase of my life. It was during the starting of the new session,I still remember the sequence. I was sitting forward in the extreme left row and then came a girl whom I had never seen,she came inside the class and went towards my parallel row and sat at the back bench. Now she bacame the first crush of my life,officially! Her name was Samya. †When she was around,I could just feel myself blush, the adrenaline in my blood was such a rush†! As time passed,our relationship changed from just friends into best friends. Even though, I was the most notorious element of the class, my teachers still used to love me a lot. My favourite teacher was Monica ma’am who was also our class-teacher. I still remember an incident when in class sixth,a mate asked our class teacher that â€Å"When all the naughty elements were eliminated ,then why did u still keep Tanay in the section? †Ma’am clearly replied†Because he is my favourite and I love him a lot! †It were the summer vacations of class sixth when came a point that I had to shift to Agra where my Dad was already posted. I was very desperate to move back with my Dad since it had been four long years I had been living away from him. But at the same time leaving the school without meeting anyone unexpectedly was a disheartening moment too. I missed them a long time and I am still in touch with them. Although my span of stay in Agra was short, but I have had a wonderful time there. With my Dad’s transfer came the most amazing city of my life. This time it was Banaras!! Banaras is a place where I turned from a child to a teenager to almost an adult! My major upbringing happened to be in Varanasi. My mom got me admitted to DPS Varanasi which was the seventh and finally the last school of my life. I spent five most amazing years in my last school. When it comes to academics, I have always been a mediocre, even though I did achieve full marks in Maths, once in class Eighth, second time in class Tenth. My list of friends is quite long to describe. During this six years of my stay in Kashi,it has given me a lot,one of them is Ashu whom I often refer as Mota-Bhai who is not just a friend but a brother in literal. I usually don’t call every second friend of mine as bro,but when I do,mind it,I mean it!! It was the pre-sports day 2008. After I got selected for the long jump,I saw a pretty girl who was already staring at me. The moment I saw her,I was just astonished. Later on I came to know about her easily via different sources as I was quite social among the seniors. So yes,my first love was an year senior to me. The rest part of story is past. All I know is that feeling never came ever and I still respect her as I did once. One always remembers his first love. Its an out of this world feeling. When she was gone,I was heart broken. This incident has taught me that life goes on,no matter who comes,who goes. We make life harder than it to be. The difficulties started when†¦ conversations became texting, feelings became subliminal, the word ‘love’ fell out of context, trust faded as honesty waned, insecurities became a way of living, jealously became a habit, being hurt started to feel natural, and running away from it all became our solution. Stop running! Face these issues, fix the problems, communicate, appreciate, forgive and LOVE the people in your life who deserve it. The best part of my life started after entering into Symbiosis. I always wanted a sister,I asked for one and Symbi gifted me two real sisters from non-biological mothers! One is Honey,my besty who is a careless crazy freak and a party animal like me,a complete replica of my personality but has a delicate heart. Ridzi,d other one,d sweet one is a complete contrast of me and Honey. She treats me like her younger brother. We often dance on ‘‘shinchan shinchan†together,Ridzi being into the character of Himavari. We do not remember days, we remember moments. Too often we try to accomplish something big without realizing that the greatest part of life is made up of the little things. My way is to live authentically and cherish each precious moment of my journey and live life to its fullest core. I wanna fly high and live while I am young. I believe that if I will seek for peace,happiness will automatically follow my way. Because when you finally arrive at your desired destination, u don’t remember the destination,you remember the journey. So for today I ll laugh,I ll live and I ll smile for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow. How to cite Laugh, live, Smile.. today.. for who knows there may or may not be a tomorrow, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Thu Hunted by Alex Shearer Essay Example For Students
Thu Hunted by Alex Shearer Essay The Hunted by Alex Shearer is a book for our times. Discuss The Hunted by Alex Shearer is a very appealing book. The plot maybe unique but that just makes the book more exciting. In this book most people have sacrificed the joy of having children, their fertility for the dream of eternal youth. Tarrin is a very special boy. He is rare and unique. He is what you called a real boy in this book because he has not used anti-ageing pills or the PP implant. He is a naturally young child. His guardian, Deet is a self-centered, drunkard, ungrateful man. He makes a living by renting out Tarrin to childless couples. Both Deet and Tarrin are in fear of the ‘Kiddernappers’ that roam the streets there. Kiddernappers do exactly what they are named after. They kidnap children. Tarrin would be about 5-7 million international units. A newborn baby would be about 6-9 million. Tarrin dreams of meeting his parents and finding out who kidnapped him. Many people argue that The Hunted is a book of our times while several might say it is not. The Hunted is a book of our times because Shearer appears to be trying to convey a message to the public that people are sacrificing fertility for youth. He is trying to say that this book a warning of what could happen in the future. The book has gotten to such an extreme that they talk about how 9 years olds can take the PP implant and can stay young forever and live till about 120 years and more. For example at the beginning of the book Tarrin comes across Ms. Virginia Two shoes who has taken the PP implant. She is a professional singer and dancer. On the hall it said that she was 55 years old and still dancing and at the end of the book it said she was 125 years old and still dancing. Also the books talked how people take the Anti-ageing pills to keep them young and 40 years old is the oldest you will get. On the other hand people say that this book is just trying to scare us. Shearer is giving us an empty threat. Whatever is happening doesn’t mean that is going to happen in the future. Also in the book it said that Deet is exaggerating that growing up is really bad when it really isn’t that bad. He says that there are too many ‘grown-ups’ in the world they need children. Another reason why The Hunted is a book for our times because in this world are obsessed with looking young. 5% of the people who are in developed countries have already had a plastic surgery or are going to have a plastic surgery. Look at the cosmetic advances here. You have anti-ageing creams that reduce wrinkles. You have ‘Botox’ which freezes your faces nerves so you don’t have wrinkles for 3-4 hours. Plastic surgery has improved. You can pull sk in to make it tighter and you could add an eyebrow if you wanted to. Also there is dye. If you start to grow white hair you can dye it depending on the colour of your hair. You can also have hair root cell plantations if you have a lot of hair fall. Also there is something like the PP implant already. It is called thylidomide. Similarly people are living longer here but when they give birth their babies come out deformed or defected. However people say that the anti-ageing creams are superficial they don’t work. Botox has severe sideffects. It can change the facial expression of the person and maybe can create more wrinkles. Some dyes can you have a lot of hair fall or they make the look lifeless and dull. Hair root cell plantations are very expensive the majority of the people can’t afford to take it. .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .postImageUrl , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:hover , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:visited , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:active { border:0!important; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:active , .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7fe46d4d3f8405561007c02ad114066f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Circle Wars: Reshaping The Typical Autism Essay CitationChildren will always be valued. Not everbody would have taken thylidomide. Some one would have done something different and had babies. Those babies may also have other babies and so on and so fourth. Yet another reason why this book is of our times is that fertility is rising. In fifty years who knows that the mainstream of people may have become infertile and only special people can give birth. Results show that in 1995 the infertility rate was 7 percent. So about 1 every 14 people was infertile. In 2005 the infertility rate was 15 percent, which is about 1 every 7 people. They expect in 2025 that the infertility rate will be about 33 percent, which is about 1 out of 3 people will be infertile. Although some may say that since that infertility will. They say that if there is a cure for everything then why not infertility. Surely people can come up with something to cure infertility. You have stem cell therapy, cloning, and tylidomide. Certainly someone will come up with something that can cure infertility. Scientists want to prolong life but if nobody young is there then they will start to think of a cure for infertility. 50 years ago people thought cloning and stem cell research was impossible. Now look at it. It has become true. The last reason why this book is for our times is because people take the anti-ageing pills because it is a primeval instinct. Nobody wants to die. If the people in our world could live longer I am sure they would. If you tell a person when he is going to die on that day he will stay at home or get security protection because he will try to prevent himself from dying. In spite of this people dispute that some people may not take the pills and would rather give birth to a child. Some people would love to have a child and that is why they might not take the PP or thylidomide. Children will always be valued. Rather than living 150 years with no joy people might give birth to a child and live to 100 years with joy. They will die and 100 and with a smile on their face. Finally I am with Shearer on this one that this is a book of our times because 50 years ago our life expectancy was about 50 and now is about 70-80 years old. They predict that in the next 50 years it can double which is 160 years with the improvements we have. Thylidomide is a perfect example of anti-ageing pills and PP implant. It shows the future of our world.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Muhammads Personality and Character Ethics Inspired Muslims Way of Life
Introduction There is a big difference between personality and character ethics, but many people do not have any idea on the reality of the outstanding difference between the two subjects.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Muhammad’s Personality and Character Ethics Inspired Muslim’s Way of Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Personality temporary as it depends on the psychological environment that a person is exposed to, whereas character is permanent and it is not affected in any way by the psychological environment. However, character ethic, which ought to be dominant, is not always dominant in most people due to their strong personalities. Psychologists argue that this hypothesis underscores the main reason why many people are not successful and cannot influence the world. In the light of this realization, Prophet Muhammad, despite his physical challenging environment, had a strong char acter ethic that dominated his personality, which made him a legendary Muslim leader (Robinson 188). Brockopp (83) notes that Muslims believe that Muhammad was a prophet of God as well as a messenger, but he is assumed to have been stronger and more influential than all other prophets were. To the Muslim community, Muhammad is an influential icon just like Jesus is to the Christian community. He is believed to have been born in 570 CE and his real name is assumed to have been AbÃ… « al-QÄ sim Muhammad in Arabic, which is transliterated as Muhammad.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Even though God used many prophets to deliver messages to his people, Muhammad is believed to have been the last and the most influential, as evidenced by his initiation of the Quran writing. Non-Muslims refer to Muhammad as the founder of the Islamic religion, but Muslims believe that he is not the founder of the Islamic religion, but rather he was a follower because he too was an Islam. In addition, Muslims took him as a restorer of the unaltered faith of Adam, Abraham, and other prophets like Elijah and Jesus. According to Lapidus (78), Muhammad rose from humble beginnings to become a legendary leader of the Islamic religion just like Jesus in the case of Christian community. Influence of Muhammad’s Personality and Character Ethics Muhammad is strongly believed to have been born in about 570 CE, as there is no solid evidence of his birth date in the Quran or other books, in the Arabian city, Mecca. He was born to a poor family living in the desert and worst still lost his parents at a tender age. His uncle, Abu Talib, brought him up in the same city. At an early age, he portrayed a strong character ethic of independence and desire to do things his own way and that disposition pushed him into business. Despite being a young merchant, he was still a shepherd and looked after his uncle’s sheep and camels. At the age of twenty-five, Muhammad was already married and he was one of the wealthiest young men in Mecca.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Muhammad’s Personality and Character Ethics Inspired Muslim’s Way of Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More His character ethic of independence from other people’s normal way of doing things gave him a chance to retreat to the caves in the mountainous environment where he would carry out his periodic prayers. Other people that were close to him understood his personality and always allowed him to do things his own way, which illustrates that they admired his way of life and doing things since his young age and the reason he had a great multitude of followers (Brown 90). He continued to carry out his prayers in seclusion and at the age of forty, he first came across the first God’s reve lation in his life. He continued to have the revelations for a long time, but he did not reveal them to anybody until three years later. Looking into the religious beliefs of numbers in the Christian faith, Jesus preached for three years, but he did not have revelations like in the case of Muhammad, as Jesus was God himself according to Christians. Hence, Muhammad’s three-year period of revelation before publicly preaching the same is taken as a true hypothesis. In his first preaching known to the Muslims, he insisted on the oneness of God the Creator and noted that humans are fully supposed to submit to His perfect will, as it is pleasing to Him. In addition, Muhammad proclaimed himself a messenger and prophet of the true God, which he professed, but noted that he was the same as other Islamic prophets that existed before him.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The closest people known to him did not hesitate to believe him due to his ‘strange’ personality and character ethic since early childhood. In addition, he was known to be a sober person who was also humble and he lived according to his standards. Hence, to them, he could not have lied of revelations and the proclamation of the true God. Since his first public proclamation of God and his anointment as a prophet and messenger of God at the age of forty-three, Muhammad changed his lifestyle for good. He stopped his old way of life in which he was a merchant and a shepherd and started preaching and prophesying (Peters â€Å"The Quest of the Historical Muhammad†297). His conversion was not a surprise to the people close to him, and thus they followed him with less resistance, hence forming part of his few followers as he kick-started his mission. However, some tribes in his home region of Mecca met him with hostility to a near point of persecuting him. They argued t hat prophets of God could not have come from his tribe and that he was opposing the principles of the ruling elites through his preaching, which could result in public anarchy. However, Muhammad did not bow to the threats. His personality ethic was unshaken in the face of threats and he continued to proclaim One God and argued people to follow him. Comparing his life to that of Jesus Christ, there are numerous similarities, as Jesus too had to flee to Egypt together with his parents in order to escape persecution from King Herod. Muhammad faced numerous challenges in Mecca to a point that he had to escape persecution by migrating to Medina. However, before he had emigrated from Mecca, he had gained numerous followers and he sent some of them for preaching mission to Abyssinia. These occurrences are believed to have been in the year 622 CE. This move was inspired by his strong personality and desire to fulfil his mission whereby despite the death threats and other challenges, Muhamma d continued to carry out his mission even to regions beyond Mecca. Muslims are inspired by his zeal in the execution of his mission to the God’s people and this event is found in the Islamic calendar and marked as the Hijra and due to its great significance to the faith, it marks the beginning of a new Islamic year. In addition, Medina was also not a peaceful region for his mission due to tribal prejudice, but he worked tirelessly to bring the separated tribes together under the law stipulated in the Medina Constitution. His ability to bring the tribes together offered him a great opportunity to preach and prophesy the God’s will to the people, which resulted in an increase in the number of his followers. After gaining more followers in Medina, Muhammad felt inspired to get back home and preach to people based on the belief that he could overcome the ruthless reaction of the tribes through battle. The tribes of Mecca worshiped idols and this practice had contributed to the heightened roughness of the people towards the God’s prophets. Hence, Muhammad wanted to change that culture, destroy the idols, and preach the message of one true God to his people (Peterson 89). On getting back to Mecca, together with his followers, tribes of Mecca opposed them with fierce battle that they retaliated and continued fighting for over eight years. By the eighth year of fighting, Muhammad’s followers had grown to over ten thousand people in Mecca, which enabled them take control of Mecca in a peaceful conquest. Thereafter, Muhammad then destroyed the idols that the tribes of Mecca worshiped across the entire region. He also proclaimed the God’s message to his people without their resistance. He later returned to Medina after staying in Mecca for about ten years where he is believed to have fallen ill immediately after his return before he died. However, â€Å"he died as a true legend of faith where many people in the Arabian Peninsula had co nverted to Islam; in addition, he managed to unite Arabia into the Islamic religious polity†(Brockopp 81). Hence, the Muslims view him as the founder of today’s United Arab Emirates. Muhammad as Seen in the Quran According to the Quran, the name Muhammad refers to someone who is praiseworthy and is found to have been used for four times. However, the Quran does not refer to him directly, but rather as a second person in which his name is also not used. Instead, he is referred to as appellations prophet, messenger of God, or rather the announcer of God. However, Quran says that God made some of his servants excel above others and to that effect, Muhammad is the seal of all other prophets and hence the praiseworthy. Hence, his character and personality ethic made him become praiseworthy in the Holy book, which he initiated its writing through his revelations. Quran is â€Å"the holiest religious text of Islamic religion and believed by Muslims to represent the revelatio ns that God revealed to Muhammad through angle Gabriel†(Brockopp 73). However, Quran does not have historical background the life of Muhammad like is the case of bible having the history of Jesus Christ in the Christian faith. However, there are historical sources that talk about the history of Muhammad. The Beginning of Quran Writing Muhammad is believed to have been the initiator of the Quran writing. Going back to his early life, his character of isolating himself from other people’s activities and going to the caves in the mountains played a major role in the Quran writing process. The Quran contains the revelations that he experienced while he prayed in the caves at the age of forties. He is believed to have â€Å"adopted the praying habit for several weeks in every year in a known cave on Mount Hira, which is near Mecca, his home region†(Ernst 67). According to the Islamic beliefs, during one of his praying session the archangel Gabriel appeared to him in the year 610 and revealed God’s message to him. In that revelation, God commanded Muhammad to recite some verses that would later be written in the holy book of Quran. However, Muhammad is believed to have revealed those revelations three years later to the public. It is believed to have been a challenging moment for him as his wife Khadija and her Christian cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who lived with them after telling of his revelation on the mountain, consoled him. These are the only people believed to have known of the revelations before he publicly proclaimed them three years later (Ramadan 20). In addition, even after being consoled by Khadija and Waraqah ibn Nawfal, Muhammad continued experiencing deep depression to a near point of committing suicide. The thinking that people would dismiss his claims and refer to him as an evil-possessed person overcame his character ethic, which caused tremendous fear in his life. This argument explains why he took three years before publicly proclaiming one true God and his revelation on the mountain. In addition, â€Å"the Islamic history tells that Shi’a tradition held that Muhammad was neither frightened by the appearance of the archangel Gabriel; on the contrary, he gave the angel a warm welcome as though he had expected him†(Dakake 75). This argument contradicts the idea of him being depressed after the revelation. Adherents of this theory also explain the three-year period silence as a period of prayer that Muhammad had to take in order to acquire spiritual strength and that period ended with a revelation in which God commanded him to continue preaching. Going by the two arguments, his preaching is written in the Quran together with his revelations. Hence, he initiated the writing process of Quran where his warning of unbelievers is directly proportional to what he preached. However, Dakake (89) notes that due to communication breakdown between his lifetime and the period at which Quran was written, his preaching together with revelation appears to have been manipulated and that is why he is often referred to as the third person. Conquering Opposition Islam traditionalists believe in the idea that the closest persons to Muhammad were the first to believe in his revelations and that he was a God chosen prophet. The first persons must have been Khadija and Ali ibn Abi Talib, who are believed to have comforted him during his depressed moments. Others are believed to have been Zaid, his adopted son, and closest friend, Abu Bakr, with whom they spend much time shepherding. The little support that he got from his family and close friends enabled him to begin the public preaching in Mecca where many opposed him violently (Peters â€Å"The Monotheists†67). Interestingly, Islamic history holds that the first followers of Muhammad were mostly the poor people, young family members of great merchants with whom they had traded, and people who had failed to attain the highe st ranks of their tribal ruling. His preaching condemned idol worshipping, which was the norm of inhabitants of Mecca, and thus it them feel insulted, as it had been the norm for many generations. With time, his followers increased rapidly to the point where he divided them into sub-groups and sent them to foreign missions across different regions. The rapid increase of his followers is said to have threatened the local merchants and the ruling elites, who then tried to convince him to abandon his new faith, which he refused. The residents of Mecca started retaliation by killing some of his followers, which threatened his persecution and made him flee to Medina, where he continued to preach and win more followers. However, the increased cases of persecution in Mecca did not stop him from preaching and condemning the worshiping of idols. His followers continued to increase and the majority are believed to have been inspired by his consistent character of standing for the truth. Concl usion In conclusion, Muhammad is a true religious icon to the Islamic religion. His personality and character ethics played a major role in his preaching and initiation of the Quran writings, in which his revelations are written. Since his early childhood, his character ethics enabled him persevere numerous challenges after losing his parents and being adopted by his uncle. With such a strong character, he ventured into trade at an early age after being introduced by his uncle. However, his richness did not deter him from continuing with shepherding, and thus he got an opportunity to visit the caves on the mountains for prayers, where Archangel Gabriel found him for revelations. Hence, his character and personality became vital for his influence to the Muslims. From the history of Muhammad, I have found him not only an Islamic religious icon, but also a world’s icon. Although historical evidences that exist about him have been manipulated by personal opinions, I find it relia ble and it could be used for the elevation of his name. His consistent personal character ethics contributed greatly to his conquering tribes in Mecca that had hitherto opposed him with violence. I greatly value such a character. Works Cited Brockopp, Jonathan. The Cambridge Companion to Muhammad, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Print. Brown, Daniel. A New Introduction to Islam, London: Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2003. Print Dakake, Maria. The Charismatic Community: Shi’ite Identity in Early Islam, New York: SUNY Press, 2007. Print. Ernst, Carl. Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004. Print. Lapidus, Ira. A History of Islamic Societies, London: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Print. Peters, Francis. The Monotheists: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Conflict and Competition, New York: Princeton University Press, 2003. Print. Peters, Francis. â€Å"The Quest of the Historica l Muhammad.†International Journal of Middle East Studies 23.3 (1991):291-315. Print. Peterson, Daniel. Muhammad, Prophet of God, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2007. Print. Ramadan, Tariq. In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad, London: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print. Robinson, David. Muslim Societies in African History, London: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print. This research paper on Muhammad’s Personality and Character Ethics Inspired Muslim’s Way of Life was written and submitted by user Myles Park to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Five Things the Pulps Can Teach Us About Making More Money as a Writer
Five Things the Pulps Can Teach Us About Making More Money as a Writer From the early 1930s to the late 1950s, hundreds of writers churned out thousands of stories in cheap magazines printed on yellow pulp paper for a hungry audience craving action, adventure, mystery, romance and thrills. Writing for often less than a penny a word, these writers produced the equivalent of two or three 40,000 word manuscripts per month! And that work ethic can help todays writers be more productive and profitable. Here are five things these famous (or sometimes infamous) writers from the golden age of the pulps can teach us about making more money as a writer in today’s changing publishing industry. Thing #1. Write faster When guys like Walter Gibson (creator of The Shadow) and Lester Dent (creator of Doc Savage) needed 40,000 words turned in every month, they didn’t mess around. They learned how to write fast, because the faster they could write, the more fiction they could churn out, and the more they could get paid. Traditional publishing, with its long time to market for books, used to punish writers for being fast, but thanks to self-publishing, those attitudes are changing. Your readers are out there starving for what you write. If you make them wait, they’ll just go read somebody else, and they might forget about you. Don’t give them that chance! Thing #2: Write more books I know what you’re thinking. You probably have a day job, a family, and other time commitments, and you’re doing good to finish one book a year. But you don’t have to already be a bestselling author free of the day job before you can churn out more work in a calendar year. I’ve met plenty of writers who were able to put out three books a year, with very demanding full time jobs. You can do it, too. Just try to work up to writing 1,000 words a day, seven days a week, and in a year’s time you’ll have amassed at least three novels’ worth of first drafts! Thing #3: Write shorter books Admittedly, this is a bit harder to get away with than it used to be, depending on the genre you write. To charge the purchase prices big publishers need to turn a profit on each of their titles, they’ve demanded more and more words from their authors over the years. But thanks to self-publishing and ebooks, word count isn’t as important as it once was. Your readers won’t feel short-changed if the story they just read was 50K or 180K words, as long as they enjoyed it. Thing #4: Write different genres Writing the same thing all the time gets old pretty quickly, so branch out. If you’ve been writing period romance for a while, give a mystery a try. Genre hopping will keep you fresh and your work feeling new. Worried about alienating your readers? Use a penname for the new genre. Thing #5: Write a series Publishing today has only rather recently latched on to the notion that pulp hacks - and pulp readers - have known for more than a century: People love a good series. A stroll down the aisle at your local bookstore reveals dozens of series in every genre, from epic fantasy to paranormal romance to thrillers. Readers just cant get enough of characters like Easy Rawlins, Jack Reacher, or Sandman Slim. Writing a series lets you really get to know the characters, making them easier to write. There you go, a few tricks of the pulp trade that can help you be a writing success today. Now go write!
Friday, November 22, 2019
Pyrrhic Victory - Origin of the Term
Pyrrhic Victory - Origin of the Term A Pyrrhic victory is a type of win that actually inflicts so much destruction on the victorious side that it is basically tantamount to defeat. A side that wins a Pyrrhic victory is considered ultimately victorious, but the tolls suffered, and the future impact those tolls, work to negate the feeling of actual achievement. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘hollow victory’. Examples: For instance, in the world of sports, if team A defeats team B in a regular season game, but team A loses its best player to a season-ending injury during the game, that would be considered a Pyrrhic victory. Team A won the current contest, however losing their best player for the remainder of the season would take away from any actual feeling of accomplishment or achievement that the team would typically feel after a victory. Another example could be drawn from the battlefield. If side A defeats side B in a particular battle, but loses a high number of its forces in the battle, that would be considered a Pyrrhic victory. Yes, side A won the particular battle, but the casualties suffered will have severe negative effects from Side A going forward, detracting from the overall feeling of victory. This situation is commonly referred to as â€Å"winning the battle but losing the war.†Origin The phrase Pyrrhic victory originates from King Pyrrhus of Epirus, who in 281 B.C., suffered the original Pyrrhic victory. King Pyrrhus landed on the southern Italian shore with twenty elephants and 25,000-30,000 soldiers ready to defend their fellow Greek speakers (in Tarentum of Magna Graecia) against advancing Roman domination. Pyrrhus won the first two battles that he participated in upon arrival on the southern Italian shore (at Heraclea in 280 BC and at Asculum in 279 BC). However, throughout the course of those two battles, he lost a very high number of his soldiers. With his numbers cut drastically, King Pyrrhus’s army became too thin to last, and they eventually ended up losing the war. In both of his victories over the Romans, the Roman side suffered more casualties than Pyrrhus’ side did. But, the Romans also had a much larger army to work with, and thus their casualties meant less to them than Pyrrhus’s did to his side. The term Pyrrhic victory comes from these devastating battles. Greek historian Plutarch described King Pyrrhus’s victory over the Romans in his Life of Pyrrhus: â€Å"The armies separated; and, it is said, Pyrrhus replied to one that gave him joy of his victory that one other such victory would utterly undo him. For he had lost a great part of the forces he brought with him, and almost all his particular friends and principal commanders; there were no others there to make recruits, and he found the confederates in Italy backward. On the other hand, as from a fountain continually flowing out of the city, the Roman camp was quickly and plentifully filled up with fresh men, not at all abating in courage for the loss they sustained, but even from their very anger gaining new force and resolution to go on with the war.â€
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research Proposal (E-waste Dumping & The Rule of Law in the 'Computer Paper
Proposal (E-waste Dumping & The Rule of Law in the 'Computer Village' Lagos - Nigeria. Synergizing Enforcement Process - Research Paper Example It is not for nothing that people stay in one continent and make purchases of goods from other continents without personally meeting the seller. Again, it is not for nothing that someone sits in the comfort of his home in Lagos and watch live soccer matches from the Stanford Bridge in London. All these processes are made possible by the pivoting power of technology. Technology may therefore be generally regarded as a good thing and the growth of it thereof (Koduah, 2003). However, it becomes worrying when technology and for that matter, globalization will not grow through the right approach. It is very important to appreciate the fact that any phenomenon; including globalization and technological advancement may be regarded as good but if it is implemented through a poor approach, the real essence of the phenomenon becomes defeated. 1.2 Statement of the Problem According to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, the recent economic meltdown will â€Å"widen global inequalit y and plunge more of the African population into poverty†(Trevor, 2009). ... This situation is descried as electronic waste dumping (Cal Recycle, 2005). E-waste is generally argued to be an unfair way that the Western world is trying to bridge the gap in technological advancement that exists in Nigeria. Due to this, there have been calls and concerns from International, regional and local institutional environmental laws that guarantee public right to habitual health for critical scrutiny into the issue of e-waste dumping in Lagos. 1.3 Research Aims 1. To explain from a theoretical perspective what electronic waste dumping means. 2. To critically assess how rule of law in Lagos promotes or opposes electronic waste dumping in Lagos. 3. To identify specific enforcement processes in International, regional and local institutional environmental laws that guarantee public right to habitual health that are being abused as a result of electronic waste dumping in Lagos. 4. To give the root causes of electronic waste dumping in Lagos and by extension, Africa. 5. To fo recast what the eventual effects of electronic waste dumping would be for Africa and Lagos to be specific if the practice is made to continue. 1.4 Research Questions 1. What is the history behind electronic waste dumping in Lagos? 2. What factors have promoted the continuous existence of electronic waste dumping in Lagos? 3. What is the position of rule of law in opposing or promoting the electronic waste dumping cycle in Lagos? 4. How can international, regional and local agencies be instrumental in addressing the issue of electronic waste dumping in Lagos? 5. Does the continuous practice of electronic waste dumping have any long term adverse effect on Africa? 1.5 Justification of the Research Problem The successful
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business & Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Business & Employment Law - Essay Example The entering into contract with Fernando by Simon is not legible. In the sale that Fernando entered into had no acceptance into the contract of sales. The offer was made by Simon and accepted by one party2. The seller did not enter to the allowance of the buying by Fernando. The contract was no variation in the terms of offer. Fernando though accepted the offer that was made by Simon did not notify him so that they could agree on the terms of the sales and the services that could be offered by Simon to him after the sales. In the sales there should be intention to be legally bound. The agreement that was to occur between the two parties were not confirmed by the law due to the fact that the agreement between the two was not reviewed. The enforcement was also not done in the basis of the public policy. Simon can be made not liable for the inconveniencies that was caused to Fernando. This is due to the considerations that was not made between the two. The value was worth to the contract that could have been reached between the two but it was not reached. Consideration as an element of an agreement for sale between the two parties was not agreed that could make them being bounded by the law to take the particular exchange of the book. The exchange that was to occur between the two people also was that that could not be held for productive use in the exchange since Simon was not able to receive the mail that was sent to him by Fernando. The exchange between the two was not of like kind since the two were not of the same nature and did not come to the agreement3. Fernando included in the payment for the book other additions that were not recommended and specified by Simon in his advertisement for the sale of the book. The additional charges makes the seller of the book not liable since he did not quote them in the advertisement. The contract that the two came into was void and this makes no
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The low growth of women Essay Example for Free
The low growth of women Essay Due to the low growth of women entering in the politics, people all around the world are suggesting different approaches to enhance the growth of women in the political sector. Applying quota system is one of the approaches. The initiation of quotas in legislation for women puts forward a policy of precise means and goals. Due to the system’s affectability and efficiency the masses think that this approach will increase the representation of women in the politics. But these quota systems also face strong resilience and raise very serious questions. How to execute the quota policy? What happened to the countries who adopted the quota systems? What arguments come up for the use of quotas? Justification: The main thought behind using the quota approach is to encourage women to participate more in politics and work in political positions and also see to that the women are not only a few tokens in the political scenario. Quotas ensure that women are entitled to have a specified percentage of the associates in the legislative body, whether it is a committee, an assembly or a government. Quota systems help to raise the representation of women in the political world to ensure that women are not left out or being isolated and are at the every step of the political systems (Niven, 1998). Pros of quota system: ? Quotas will help to minimize the stress faced by the already present token women in the parliament or committee. ? It will help to raise the rights of women as a civilian in the same demonstration. ? The need of women’s experiences in the political life can be filled. ? It will help to represent the qualities and qualifications of women, which are the same as men, in the male dominated society. ? The fact is the political parties nominate the selections, not the voters, who only decide which nominee is elected. ? Conflicts may arise by applying quotas, but it would be temporary and will do a lot of good in the long run in the representation of women in the political frame. Opposing view point: According to Anna Balletbo and many others quotas are considered as double ended swords. Each end gives the male the upper hand over women. At one end, men think to empower the women by involving them in decision making and creating more opportunities for them. But at the other end, the men who are responsible for creating opportunities for women will try to find the women whom they can manage very easily and only allow the specific type of women who accept the domination of man over women (International IDEA, 2007). Cons of quota system: ? Quotas represent unequal opportunity for all as it is not purely based on merit and favors women. ? Quotas also represent an undemocratic atmosphere as the voters are not able to make the decision about who is going to be elected. ? Quotas simply shows that the political candidates are nominated because of their gender rather then their qualifications, which creates a system of unfairness as merit is not being preferred and people with higher capabilities and higher qualifications are brushed aside by the quota system. ? Women don’t want to get involved in politics because of the perception that women cannot be a part of government. ? Implementation of quotas will create many inter- party conflicts and lead to political instability. Conclusion: The primary objective of quota system is to increase the number of women in the political scenario and clearly represent the under acknowledge gender in the political system. A successful quota arrangement will allow the ample amount of qualified women candidates to be recruited by the political group or party, and a certain number of women will be in the part of the government instead of the few token one’s and lastly it will allow the elected women candidates to enforce their idea’s and their feminist thinking in decision making process. Just to pass a rule to allow women a 30 per cent seats in the parliament is not adequate. Implementation of the quotas is essential. Regulations should be kept clear cut, the vaguer they are, the more the risk of the non-implementation of quota regulations. Implementing the quota system will not silence its critics, as the regulatory body and the supporters of quota system need to understand, that their criticism is not temporary and have to be dealt throughout the future. By introducing quota system in the government bodies, in the past decade, has made considerable rise in the women politicians in most of the countries. These countries experienced a change in the policies and a significant growth in the women decision making. But it also depends upon the women as to how much they are loyal to their respective political parties and how much of the policy of quota is implemented (Tremblay, 2008). Through research it has been shown that women who are engaged in some sort of civil society work have got a higher chance of getting elected then the one’s who don’t and they also enjoy a greater influence on bills and policies then other women. Even if the quota system is implemented many hurdles are still to overcome in all the male-dominated societies. Reference: Niven, David. The Missing Majority: The Recruitment of Women as State Legislative Candidates. Praeger, 1998. International IDEA. Designing for Equality: Best-Fit, Medium-Fit and Non-Favourable Combinations of Electoral Systems and Gender Quotas. International Idea, 2007. Tremblay, Manon. Women and Legislative Representation: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Sex Quotas. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Travels with My Aunt Essay -- English Literature Personal Narratives E
Travels with My Aunt Part 1 Chapter 1 title – The beginning of the End 1. He meets Aunt Augusta and she is 74-75 yrs old 2. Henry describes his father. His father is: - sleepy - sloppy - a building contractor - not outgoing - not motivated to do his job 3. The mother is the Hunter and the father is the Hunted. This shows that his mother dominates his father. She is the person in charge. This also shows that the role of women has changed. Usually men dominated their wives, but in this case it is the complete opposite. 4. Henry says his Aunt was dressed like a ‘queen.’ He also says that his aunt is more towards the present mode. He is amazed by her appearance, for example her red hair and her teeth. At this moment there are no hints about his true relationship with his Aunt 5. This quote has to do with Henry’s life. He says that there is so much waiting. He is a retired man and he has almost dedicated his remaining life to his dahlias. This shows that all he now waits for is death. The irony is that life is all about waiting. His mother is also waiting for eternity. 6. This trip is so memorable for Henry due to several reasons: - the incident of the urn leads to another journey - in this journey he found out that his mother wasn’t his real mother - His life changes as he takes part in the trip which lead to more trips Vocabulary a) Lethargic (10) – laziness, sleepiness b) dahlia (11) – a type of flower, a plant Chapter 2 title – The Truth / Unpleasant surprise 7. Significance in Henry’s mind - shows what he is interested in (his values, eg, the dahlias) - he doesn’t want to go to Aunt Augusta’s house - consumed with the mundane (dull, boring, ordinary) 8. Henry’s... ...entful then he thought it would be. Mr Sparrow and Mr Woodrow come to Henry’s house. They are pursuing an inquiry at the request of Interpol. Vocabulary bb) irrational – without a reason Chapter 20 65. He notes that loyalty to a person certainly involves loyalty to all the flaws of a human being. This is what he now means by loyalty now that he has met Aunt Augusta. He says that his aunt wasn’t free of the tricking and immortality. He wonders if his aunt ever stole a check or robbed a bank. 66. Detective Sergeant Sparrow was looking for Mr Visconti or any of his traces. 67. They find a postcard from Panama signed A.D. 68. Sparrow knows that Visconti was a viper. He also knows that Aunt Augusta had something to do with Mr Visconti. He knows that Mr Visconti was over 80, presumably in his nineties. Vocabulary cc) chicanery – a trick
Monday, November 11, 2019
Food Inc Notes
Animals and workers are being abused. * Why many things are deliberately kept from us. * We are only allowed to know what the companies want us to know. * Farmers are not allowed to talk about many things. * We eat things every day without thinking about where they come from * Why is McDonalds is the largest purchaser of ground beef in the united states * This changes how ground beef is produced * Companies basically control our food system * In the 1970’s the top 5 beef packers controlled only 25% of beef. * Today the top 4 control more than 80%. Birds are now raised and slaughtered in half the time they were fifty years ago but now they are twice the size with large breasts. * All birds that come from farms must be almost exactly the same size. * â€Å"If you can grow a chicken in 49 days why grow one in three months? More money in your pocket! †* Chickens never see sunlight! Is this fair?* Tyson makes farmers change their minds about letting people tour their chicke n houses. * What are they hiding? * Tyson declined being interviewed. * Bones and internal organs of chickens can’t keep up with all the weight they gain. * Antibiotics are no longer working. They catch the chickens at night time so they give less resistance. * The farmer states that the catchers were mostly African-Americans but she is now seeing more Latinos which are undocumented workers. * They have no rights or choices. †¢Fast food is cheap and feels you up compared to cheap food in the market. †¢Cheaper calories are heavily subsidized †¢industry blames obesity on crisis of personal responsibility †¢We are hard wired to go for three tastes: Salt Fat and Sugar †¢These things are very rare in nature †¢We wear down how our body metabolizes sugar Type 2 diabetes used to only affect adults and is now affecting children.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
True comedy explores themes as serious and important
True comedy explores themes as serious and important as appear in any tragedy. Demonstrate to what extent Educating Rite contains serious and important themes as well as being a comic play. BY D.. Thomson Educating Rite True comedy explores themes as serious and important as appear in any tragedy. Demonstrate to what extent Educating Rite contains serious and important themes as Wily Russell play entitled ‘Educating Rite' Is a dark and comic drama set within the confines of a University classroom. The play features two characters, Frank a troubled lecturer who has grown disillusioned with his existence, and Rite, a working classLiveryman with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to find meaning In life. The drama tackles many serious themes including alcoholism, social class and exclusion, relationship troubles and gender roles. It addresses these issues in an engaging and comic way, the seriousness of these issues often disguised by the wit and charm of the characters. The way that Frank is introduced to the reader says a lot about his character. The curtain draws on Frank frantically scurrying about looking for a hidden bottle of whiskey that he has concealed in his bookshelf. â€Å"Eureka†exclaims Frank as he finally finds it.This somewhat amusing scenario serves to highlight an unhappiness felt by the character and Issues around alcohol. This point Is further highlighted during a rather sardonic going and throwing with his partner. Frank concedes In this conversation that he Is taking on extra work â€Å"to pay for the drink†, and the billing nature of the dialogue suggests that all is not well in his relationship. Rite enters the scene full of energy and life after battling with the door knob on the way in. Her demeanor is that of a nervous working class girl who is desperately trying to come to grips with surroundings that are totally alien to her.Rite's brash and unconventional manner is perfectly illustrated in her attempt to convers e with Frank about an erotic painting displayed in his room. â€Å"This was like the porn of its day, wasn't it? †Rite innocently asks. The characters repeated questioning disguises an awkwardness she feels amidst an overwhelming desire to gain an education and move up In the world. In amongst their troubles there begins to blossom a friendship between the pair, Rite compared to the elitist crowd with which he is familiar.Frank on the other hand is an enigma to Rite, she does not understand why Frank is so unhappy in a life that she so separately craves for herself. This dynamic brings about some truly comic moments between the characters, an example of this being when Frank attempts to familiarize Rite with the works of E. M Forester. In this dialogue, Frank tries to emphasis to Rite the importance of looking at literature from an academic perspective. This point is somewhat lost on Rite when she Jokingly asks â€Å"Does the repeated use of the phrase â€Å"only connectâ € suggest that in reality E. M. Forester was a frustrated electrician. Rite's relationship with men is a theme that develops throughout the play. Rite feels eke she is being held back by her husbands expectations. Her relationship with her husband deteriorates as she continues to study against her spouses wishes. This culminates in her partners desperate attempts to keep her in her place by burning her books. Rite's charm is not lost on Frank, he tells her at their very first meeting that he thinks she is â€Å"rather marvelous†. As the relationship develops Franks fondness for Rite grows and he becomes increasingly protective of her and perhaps Jealous of her progress.This point is illuminated when Rite begins to make friends amongst other students. When Rite is invited to travel with some new friends Frank immediately barks â€Å"you can't go†, this hasty response shows that Frank is fearful of losing influence over Rite and perhaps losing her altogether. Rite's relationship experiences demonstrate the struggles that working class women were likely to encounter at this time and the opposition they faced from the expectant and often overbearing men in their lives. As Rite progresses through her academic studies she begins to feel a disillusionment with her present life and a feeling that she does not belong.Her studies opened up a ewe world to her that she had not previously encountered. She began to feel ill at ease with her working class background as she regarded those around her as lacking in culture and ambition. She did not however feel at ease amongst academics and scholarly types either and this left her in a sort of limbo where she began to lose sight of what makes her unique. Her feelings are demonstrated in the following quote, â€Å"I'm a freak. I can't talk to people I live with any more. An' I can't talk to the likes of them on Saturday, or them out there, because I can't learn the language. This frustration was further compou nded by Franks desire to preserve Rite's individuality at the expense of her progression. His criticism of Rite's work as containing â€Å"nothing of you in there†, illustrates Franks desire to conserve the things in Rite that he finds most alluring. The play ends on a rather sad note as both of the characters are left with uncertainty surrounding their futures. Franks drinking and subsequent behaviors have taken their toll on his work and on his relationship. Franks future lay in Australia without his former partner as punishment for his actions.Rite also faces upheaval in her life s she begins to come to grips with the changes that have occurred as a result of her decision to gain an education. What is clear is that the pair are unlikely to be sharing the play in a poignant scene between the characters with Rite giving Frank a haircut that she had previously promised. This moment of rare intimacy between the pair illustrates the warmth the characters feel for each other, it does however seem improbable that they will share many more moments like this in future. To a large extent Educating Rite tackles many serious and important theme's in a UN- evasive and thought provoking way.It is a credit to the author that he is able to tackle such issues while maintaining a thread of comedy throughout the play. As examined in this essay, the play is able to look at issues such as social class, gender roles, alcoholism and relationship troubles without descending into morbidity and manages to keep the reader engrossed throughout. The humanness of the characters and their flawed nature helps the reader to empathic with the pair and their conflicting views of the world provide the catalyst for an often dark but comedic tale. Bibliography Russell, W. (2007). Educating Rite. 1st deed. London: Methuen Drama.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Definition and Examples of Orientational Metaphors
Definition and Examples of Orientational Metaphors An orientational metaphor is a metaphor (or figurative comparison) that involves spatial relationships (such as UP-DOWN, IN-OUT, ON-OFF, and FRONT-BACK). Orientational metaphor (a figure that organizes a whole system of concepts with respect to one another) is one of the three overlapping categories of conceptual metaphors identified by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in Metaphors We Live By (1980). The other two categories are structural metaphor and ontological metaphor. Examples [A]ll the following concepts are characterized by an upward orientation, while their opposites receive a downward orientation. MORE IS UP; LESS IS DOWN: Speak up, please. Keep your voice down, please.HEALTHY IS UP; SICK IS DOWN: Lazarus rose from the dead. He fell ill.CONSCIOUS IS UP; UNCONSCIOUS IS DOWN: Wake up. He sank into a coma.CONTROL IS UP; LACK OF CONTROL IS DOWN: Im on top of the situation. He is under my control.HAPPY IS UP; SAD IS DOWN: Im feeling up today. Hes really low these days.VIRTUE IS UP; LACK OF VIRTUE IS DOWN: Shes an upstanding citizen. That was a low-down thing to do.RATIONAL IS UP; NONRATIONAL IS DOWN: The discussion fell to an emotional level. He couldnt rise above his emotions. Upward orientation tends to go together with positive evaluation, while downward orientation with a negative one. (Zoltn Kà ¶vecses, Metaphor: A Practical Introduction, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2010) Physical and Cultural Elements in Orientational Metaphors Orientational metaphors that are strongly cultural in content form an internally consistent set with those that emerge most directly from our physical experience. The up-down orientational metaphor can apply to situations that contain both physical and cultural elements, such as Hes at the peak of health. She came down with pneumonia. Here good health is associated with up, in part because of the general metaphor that Better is up and perhaps also because when we are well we are on our feet, and when we are ill we are more likely to be lying down. Other orientational metaphors are obviously cultural in origin: Hes one of the higher-ranking officials in the agency. These people have very high standards. I tried to raise the level of the discussion. Whether the experience on which an orientational metaphor is based is directly emergent physical experience or one drawn from the social domain, the core metaphorical framework is the same in all of them. There is only one verticality concept up. We apply it differently, depending on the kind of experience on which we base the metaphor. (Theodore L. Brown, Making Truth: Metaphor in Science. University of Illinois Press, 2003) Lakoff and Johnson on the Experiential Basis of Metaphors In actuality we feel that no metaphor can ever be comprehended or even adequately represented independently of its experiential basis. For example, MORE IS UP has a very different kind of experiential basis than HAPPY IS UP or RATIONAL IS UP. Though the concept UP is the same in all these metaphors, the experiences on which these UP metaphors are based are very different. It is not that there are many different UPS; rather, verticality enters our experience in many different ways and so gives rise to many different metaphors. (George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Metaphors We Live By. The University of Chicago Press, 1980)
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Profile of Pakistans ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence)
Profile of Pakistan's ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is the country’s largest of its five intelligence services. It is a controversial, sometimes rogue organization that Benazir Bhutto, the late Pakistani prime minister, once termed a â€Å"state within a state†for its tendency to operate outside of the Pakistani government’s control and at cross-purposes with American anti-terror policy in South Asia. The International Business Times ranked the ISI as the top intelligence agency in the world in 2011. How the ISI Became so Powerful The ISI became that â€Å"state within a state†only after 1979, largely thanks to billions of dollars in American and Saudi aid and armament covertly channeled exclusively through the ISI to the mujahideen of Afghanistan to fight the Soviet occupation of that country in the 1980s. Muhammad Zia ul-Haq, Pakistans military dictator from 1977-1988 and the countrys first Islamist leader, had positioned himself as the indispensable ally of American interests against Soviet expansion in South Asia and the ISI as the indispensable clearinghouse through which all aid and armament would flow. Zia, not the CIA, decided what insurgent groups got what. The arrangement was to have far-reaching implications the CIA didnt foresee, making Zia and the ISI the unlikely (and, in retrospect, disastrous) hinge of U.S. policy in South Asia. The ISI’s Complicity With the Taliban For their part, Pakistan’s leaders- Zia, Bhutto and Pervez Musharraf among them- seldom hesitated to use the ISI’s double-dealing skills to their advantage. That’s especially true regarding Pakistan’s relationship with the Taliban, which the ISI helped create in the mid-1990s and subsequently finance, arm and keep in business as a hedge against India’s influence in Afghanistan. Either directly or indirectly, the ISI has never stopped supporting the Taliban, even after 2001 when Pakistan ostensibly became an ally of the United States in the war on al-Qaeda and the Taliban. â€Å"Thus,†British-Pakistani journalist Ahmad Rashid wrote in Descent Into Chaos, Rashid’s analysis of the failed American mission in South Asia between 2001 and 2008, â€Å"even as some ISI officers were helping U.S. officers locate Taliban targets for U.S. bombers [in 2002], other ISI officers were pumping in fresh armaments to the Taliban. On the Afghan side of the border, [Northern Alliance] intelligence operatives compiled lists of the arriving ISI trucks and handed them to the CIA.†Similar patterns continue to this day, especially on the Afghan-Pakistani border, where Taliban militants are believed often to be tipped off by ISI operatives of impending American military action. A Call for the ISI’s Dismantling As a report by the Defense Academy, a British Ministry of Defense think tank, concluded in 2006, â€Å"Indirectly, Pakistan [through the ISI] has been supporting terrorism and extremism- whether in London on 7/7 or in Afghanistan or Iraq.†The report called for the dismantling of the ISI. In July 2008, the Pakistani government attempted to bring the ISI under civilian rule. The decision was reversed within hours, thus underscoring the power of the ISI and the weakness of the civilian government. On paper (according to the Pakistani Constitution), the ISI is answerable to the prime minister. In reality, the ISI is officially and effectively a branch of the Pakistani military, itself a semi-autonomous institution that has either overthrown Pakistan’s civilian leadership or ruled over the country for most of its independence since 1947. Located in Islamabad, the ISI boasts a staff of tens of thousands, much of it army officers and enlisted men, but its reach is much more vast. It exercises that reach through retired ISI agents and militants under its influence or patronage- including the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and several extremists groups in Kashmir, the province Pakistan and India have been disputing for decades. The ISI’s Complicity With al-Qaeda â€Å"By the fall of 1998,†Steve Coll writes in Ghost Wars, a history of the CIA and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan since 1979, â€Å"CIA and other American intelligence reporting had documented many links between ISI, the Taliban, [Osama] bin Laden and other Islamic militants operating from Afghanistan. Classified American reporting showed that Pakistani intelligence maintained about eight stations inside Afghanistan, staffed by active ISI officers or retired officers on contract. CIA reporting showed that Pakistani intelligence officers at about the colonel level met with bin Laden or his representatives to coordinate access to training camps for volunteer fighters headed for Kashmir.†Pakistan’s Overriding Interests in South Asia The pattern reflected Pakistan’s agenda in the late 1990s, which has changed little in subsequent years: Bleed India in Kashmir and ensure Pakistani influence in Afghanistan, where Iran and India also compete for influence. Those are the controlling factors that explain Pakistan’s apparently schizophrenic relationship with the Taliban: bombing it in one place while propping it up in another. Should American and NATO forces withdraw from Afghanistan (just as American aid ended after the Soviet withdrawal from that country in 1988), Pakistan doesn’t want to find itself without a controlling hand there. Supporting the Taliban is Pakistan’s insurance policy against a repeat of American withdrawal at the end of the cold war. â€Å"Today,†Benazir Bhutto said in one of her last interviews in 2007, â€Å"its not just the intelligence services who were previously called a state within a state. Today, its the militants who are becoming yet another little state within the state, and this is leading some people to say that Pakistan is on the slippery slope of being called a failed state. But this is a crisis for Pakistan, that unless we deal with the extremists and the terrorists, our entire state could founder.†Pakistan’s successive governments, in large part through the ISI, created the now seemingly out-of-control conditions that prevail in Pakistan that enable the Taliban, al-Qaeda offshoot al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) and other militant groups to call the northwestern part of the country their sanctuary.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Bank Annual Report Assignment - Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Bank Annual Report Assignment - Economics - Essay Example Other mining activities accounted for ASD 0.83 billions forming 0.22% of the total GDP.Thus taking the contribution of mining industries to 32.78 %( Annual 2004). Annual Report of the Central Bank of United Arab Emirates for the year 2004 has the data at Table (2-1) that Manufacturing and Construction Sectors contributed ASD 70.43 billions to 2004 GDP at constant prices of ASD 323.60 billions. In percentage terms this contribution came to 21.76 %( rounded off to 22%). Table(2-2) of the Annual report further shows that Manufacturing and Construction Sectors contributed ASD 78.02 billions to 2004 GDP at current prices of ASD 378.61 billions. In percentage terms this contribution came to 20.61 %( Annual 2004). Table(2-8) ,captioned 'Employees by Economic Sectors' , of the Annual Report of the Central Bank of United Arab Emirates for the year 2004 has the data that UAE had a total of 2.46 million employees in UAE in 2004.Of this 0.27 million were engaged in the Government Sector forming about 10.98% of the total employees. As against this Oil& Gas, and Manufacturing sectors deployed 0.35 million employees which formed about 14.23 % of the total employees (Annual, 2004).Thus more number of employees were deployed in Oil& Gas, and Manufacturing sectors when compared to the Government Sector.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Statement of Cash Flow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Statement of Cash Flow - Essay Example The statement of cash flow has been in use since November 1987 when the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued a statement of financial accounting standards requiring businesses to use a statement of cash flow instead of a statement of changes in financial position. There are two methods for preparing and presenting a statement of cash flow; the direct method and the indirect method, the main difference lies in the presentation of the operating section. The sections of investing and financing are the same in both methods. In the direct method, cash flows from operating activities encompass amounts such as cash from customers and cash paid to suppliers. On the contrary, the indirect method shows the net income, followed by the adjustments required to convert the total net income to the total cash from operating activities (Brahmasrene, Strupeck & Whitten, 2004). In addition, the direct method must provide a reconciliation of net income and the cash provided by operating ac tivities, a process which is achieved automatically in the indirect method of cash flow statement. The indirect method is found to be more effective in relaying cash flow information. Thus, it is preferred to the direct method in most corporations (Brahmasrene, Strupeck & Whitten, 2004). Whereas the direct method or the income statement method reports the main categories of operating cash receipts and payments, the indirect method places emphasis on net income and the net cash flow from operations (Taulli, 2004).
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Place of Female Vocalist in Jazz Band Essay
The Place of Female Vocalist in Jazz Band - Essay Example The essay "The Place of Female Vocalist in Jazz Band" discusses the relationship between jazz music and the Black people that have been strong over the years and several standards agreeable to comprising the Jazz genre of music. The paper also discusses if female vocalists have a role in the jazz bands.Most women have not familiarized themselves with the jazz culture hence they cannot bring out what is needed in a performance. Jazz is an area that has long standing culture. It relies on inspiration from the muses and not necessarily practice. Some years back, the position of a woman in society was to revolve around the kitchen and her career. The females were not exposed to jazz music so as to be in a position to learn the unwritten rules of the genre. The strong women, who try their take at jazz, do so by practice. The result of practicing for a jazz performance will not be as compelling as that performance by one who has intrinsically learned the rules of the game through experienc e. Inspiration is the primary key in staging a great jazz concert. The other social factor that spelled out women from jazz bands was the fact that many men had tried to master the culture of jazz without success. The failure arises from the lack of understanding that jazz music is an uncultured form passed from one person to the other through inspiration. Women of today cannot secure places in jazz bands since they copy other people’s material. The women who performed in jazz bands and succeeded were original in their compositions.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Role Of Marketing In A Consumer Society Marketing Essay
The Role Of Marketing In A Consumer Society Marketing Essay This report will use Apple Inc as a case study to underline the importance of what is the role of marketing in a consumer society? Also there will be critique of different theorist such as Jean Bauldriard, Raymond William and Stuart Hall to for the marketing concepts. The modern definitions and history of Marketing; During 18th and 19 century Marketers realized that consumers are buying products for the sake of their desires and satisfaction, where as before only selling a product was important and not the need and satisfaction of the customer. When companies realized the needs and want of the customers then they started to change rapidly and started to create an image in customers mind by using advertising/promotion. Technological and social changes are included in this change. Nowadays marketing defined as involving product development, distribution, pricing and communication. Also in developed firms, continuous attention to the development of new products with product modifications and services to meet the changing needs of customers. Peter Drucker states that The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous as most companies doing marketing to distribute information to seek attention and persuade customers to purchase. As a result we can say that marketing is a process that aims to understand and satisfy the needs of a customer to make sales and maximise revenue. Marketing is not advertising, it is one of the component within marketing, which is used to inform consumers about product or services provided. This report will use marketing techniques and strategies apply it to Apple inc. to explore the concept of marketing and its role in consumer society. Raymond Williams highlighted about advertisement in the Magic System theory, that advertising doesnt means of only selling goods/products. However, advertising in its modern forms operate to maintain the consumption ideal from criticism, that consumption does not address social needs. Consumer society is when people buy new goods and services, it can also be said as consumer behaviour in terms of demand is constantly changing especially for the goods that they do not need, and which leaves high value on owning many things. We are all participants in an existing phenomenon that has been variously called a consumerist culture and a consumer society. Consumerism is a social and economic method that is based on the systematic creation and encouragement of desire to purchase goods and services in increasingly amount. To say that some people have consumerist attitudes or values means that they always want to consume more. The theory states that an increasing consumption of goods is economically beneficial. In long-term historical and social factors influencing consumption. Jean Baudrillard stated the consumption theory in his (The Consumer Society) book, that consumption has become the most important basis of the social order. He explores how consumer products, rather t han modern decisions such as class, made up a system of signs that differentiated the population and those meanings related with products being delivered to customers via. Apple Inc.http://www.hotstocked.com/articles-img/small/apple-inc.jpg Apple Inc is an American multinational company established on April 1st 1976, which designs and produces consumer electronics such as iPones, iPods, iPads and iMacbook and software products and its best known for its computer hardware products including Macintosh personal computer line, Mac OS X, extremely loyal user-base, iTunes media application and the iPod personal music player. The companies head office is based in Cupertino, California. CEO and co-founder is Steve Jobs. Apples popularity increased more in late 1970s with its interesting, forceful and inviting advertisements to inspire individuals. In 1990s Apples advertisements were at the top with the Think Different campaign, it owned its popularity by using famous people in their adverts. Apple has achieved its high targets in its development and growth in 2007 when they first created iPhone, which has changed the fortune of the company. The iPod, iTunes, iPhone and new great Mac computers became the most popular and profitable devices ever for Apple. Apples Marketing Strategies and Techniques Apple has gained successful image in past couple of years with their creative, fresh and progressive way of making business, they create great style and designs, great strategy, innovative marketing, smooth and tempting communications. Apples seductive success is owned by their iPhone, iTunes and iPod products. All these products have presented a combination of an immense hardware, perfect style, and great software, expeditious and speedy performance with a good e-business service. (2007, 2010 Venrtygo team)steve jobs apple computers Apple has exceeded $160 billion in 2008, $210 billion in 2010 and in January 2011 they exceeded $302.47 billion in market capitalization, as Apple Inc. shares has increased by more than seven points. They made huge differences in the market shares and this implies that consumers are more aware of the products, and the right marketing strategy used has reached to right consumers. Apples has made extraordinary campaigns in communication with consumers and extremely modified marketing strategy with particular target section of the market. They appeal to customers needs and wants directly with their great communication, the distribution network and with their quality and price ratios. Apples has several key strategies in marketing which made them successful and come to top of their game in a way like no other. Apple always managed to extend their experience and created a tribe. Apple also communicates in the language of their audience; Apple tries to give information in the way that their customers want to be informed. Their prices are justified, apple customers gladly pay premium for the reason of their good selling quality devices are nowhere else. They ignore critics, any time Apple produce a new device especially for the iPad people say that it will fail. Every time Apple decided make new changes and introduce a new device they prevailed. Steve Jobs did not listen to critiques instead focus on building what they want to build. Albert Einstein said that Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds. Apple turns the ordinary into something beautiful. PC makers constitute a standard hardware for standard applications. Apple is the leading best standard operating system and computer system against to their competitors. Simultaneously they are exploring the design standards as well. Result of this is the multi-wanted iMac, Mac book Air and iPhone 4 Former of Apples marketing executive and consumer marketing expert Steve M. Chazin has revealed the Secrets of the World Best Marketing Machine from Apple.http://www.i-seb.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/segmentation.jpg One Dont Sell Products (People buy what other People have) according to Steve M. Chazins point here is that products dont sell people do. For example when looking to the advertisement of the popular product iPod, there is lots of happy, energetic people dancing in shape against a colourful, vibrant and ever-changing background and it is the newest, trendiest features coming on the market, which gives customers the desire to buy as we live in a society that wants things new and improved and different from the regular products. Therefore Apple is showing its customers the difference they have from their competitors, it isnt selling you a simple MP3, its also inviting you to the difference lifestyle of apple. They indicate that if you use MP3 youll hear good music, but if you use apple iPod then you will feel good due its value and ability to play it in many different places. As Raymond Williams talks in The Magic System that in our society advertisements are created to make customers t o believe that the product they buy will make them feel in a different way. Apple makes people believe by the advert that they will feel the same way of those happy dancing, energetic people. Also Apple has an distinctive white headphones (uniquely to Apple), which are produced as pure apple marketing trick, it is designed to make visible part of their product a status symbol, wear white headphones and you are the member of the club. For example the advertisement of iPod shows us the people shadows dancing hold their iPods and showing distinctive white headphone. Accordingly Baudrillard states that, consumption is the most important basis of the social order and sociologically a particular individual belongs to a specific group which consumes a specific product, and the individual consumes such a product because he or she belongs to such a group This theory is related to the marketing that Apple gives to its customers, when customers buys Apple Product because they know that they belong to that society and it add-ups value to them. According to Raymond Williams when people buys more than just the product, as they buy self-respect, beauty, and power in their society throug h this consumption. Raymond also believed that people who have high consumption of products are living high standard life. .http://cdn1.iofferphoto.com/img/item/193/716/718/oZ4Y.jpg Two Never be the First to Market, (Make Something Good Greater) the marketing executive of apple applies that Apple is always leader creating new categories, surely they have never invented anything new such as PCs and MP3s and phones, but iPhone is very successful with functionality of on existing designs such as The Mac, iPod, iTunes and iPhone. Apple makes complex things easy and elegant as it is easy now to get music in to your pocket. Apple dont define you categorize rather they try to occupy shelf space that already exist in prospects mind, apple focuses on the one thing they do better and then make that mater to us. Baudrillard also declares that he can go one better and introduces a third form of exchange which is symbolic exchange in the form of the sign. Baudrillard argues that in addition to the satisfaction of human needs, commodities can also provide social status something of increasing value in modern society. This value is expressed in the form of the sign. Three Empower Early Adopters, this aspect identifies that Early adopters are those who are genuinely Apple Lovers and those who taking a risk to help Apple to succeed. Early adaptors are younger in age and have money to spend. Steve M. Chazin says that they are the first to take Apple product to everywhere. iPhone users feel in the same way the PowerBook users felt in 1993. Early adopters are the first to voice Apples marketing force through word of mouth as these adopters have set apart from the crowd and their gadget is a symbol of their states which they are proud to show off. http://www.dealgiant.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/MacBook_Pro_MB990B-A_offers.jpg Apples glowing apple logo is always upside down to you and it was fixed to be right side up for others to see when you open you open your Macbook you are showing others the brand and selling the brand to others. What this makes is that enables customer to make their choices by seeing it in others. Baudrillard stated that either prior production (polls, market studies) or subsequent to it (advertising, marketing, conditioning), the general idea to shift the locus of decision in the purchase of good from customers where it is beyond control to the firm where it subject to control (p.38). Apples intention is to make customer come to them without any encouragement via the firm. Apples secure customer loyalty by considering its product strong design as it is plain and simple. Many consumers may possibly not ready to buy an Apple computer due to its price, but they are willing to give gadgets to try such as smart iPods or iPhone, as these products are lower price entry to Apple Inc it gives the customer opportunity to be introduces to the brand and its quality products. Customers are more likely to buy apple computer in future if they are happy with these gadgets. According to Baudrillard he described the way of influencing customers desires the infernal round of consumption is based on celebration of needs that supposed to be psychological. These are distinguishes from physiological needs since they are supposedly established through discretionary income and the freedom of choice and consequently manipulate at will (Baudrillard p.39). Apple can influence easily their existing customers who are using iPhone, iPad and iPod to buy their Mac book computers.http://www.itechnews.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/griffin-powerdock-2-iphone-ipod.jpg Encoding / Decoding in Apple Inc. Stuart Hall developed a theoretical model to clarify the influence of television broadcasts such as advertisements called the encoding and decoding model. Encoder is trying to transfer information in a certain meaning based way to decoder, while decoder is adapting this original meaning into a new version according to their own way of perceiving. Production, here, constructs the message (Hall, 1980). According to iPod advertisements via Halls concepts, arguing that his production-reception model is a useful approach to understanding modern mass media messages, especially advertising. This model assumed that the media tools had an interest in production, circulation, distribution, consumption and reproduction rather than just conveying a message. In the encoding/decoding model of media discourses developed by Stuart Hall, the meaning of the text is located between its producer and the reader (Hall, 1980). Therefore apple produces plain and not confusing adverts towards customers as if the decoder perceiving differently to the encoder, the decoder will create their own version of the message with a totally different intention. When decoder functions under this position hall states that He/she is operating with what we must call an oppositional code (Hall, 1980). Encoding decoding is not a important concept for Apple Inc as their customers all ready knows what to perceive they wont be confused. Apple Branding Marketing executives in a company give values to add services to a product and an attempt to enhance their products like Apple with values and links that are recognised and valuable to their customers which is then a brand. Identification or distinction from other competitors is the reason for branding which gives them their own identity. Apple is one of the examples which are now leading as a brand in IT arena. Apple (brand name) which is auspicious had a consumers loyalty by the strength of their services and values which then lead the customers to repeat a purchase from the same company again. Advertisements do have an enormous attraction for a customer to hit on an individual mind for a company.  Apple as compared to other companies is a well recognised brand and it definitely preferable by customers.http://www.damonchernavsky.com/Pictures/Creative_Ads/Evolution_of_Brands/history-of-apple-computers.jpg Critical Analysis and conclusion Conclusion Referances Dougherty, M. (2010) The story of apple Inc. Last accessed on 12.03.2011 [online] http://www.brighthub.com/computing/mac-platform/articles/65346.aspx http://blog.kissmetrics.com/7-strategies-apple-marketing/ 6 Unfair Market Advantages You Should Steal from Apple http://www.vertygoteam.com/apple_marketing_strategy.php http://www.theglaringfacts.com/2010/11/encodingdecodingmodel Williams, Raymond (1962) Advertising, the Magic System. In Problems in Materialism and Culture. London: New Left Books. Baudrillard, J. (1998). The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures. Sage Publications Ltd. London, England. http://mashable.com/2011/01/03/apple-300-billion/
Friday, October 25, 2019
Odysseus :: essays research papers
                    The Bond of Love There are many essential emotions that form the building blocks of our lives. These emotions help to shape the people that we are. These feelings are ones that are ultimately necessary to keep us happy. Nothing makes these feelings more evident than the Odyssey by Homer. Through out the course of this book there is one major emotional theme, which is love. Love is shown within a family, which chose to fight to keep their togetherness no matter how much that had to endure. One main strife in life is to be in search of a companion who makes us happy and for whom we would do anything. Odysseus and Penelope's lasting loyalty is an obvious representation of love in the Odyssey. Although Odysseus is gone for twenty years he never forgets his faithful wife in Ithaca. This love seems to help him persevere through the many hardships that he encounters on his journey home. On the other hand, Penelope too remains loyal to her beloved Odysseus no matter what happens. At home in Ithaca, she stays loyal to Odysseus by unraveling his shroud and delaying the possible marriage to one of the many suitors. She always keeps the hope that her love, Odysseus, will return. Odysseus and Penelope's marriage clearly illustrates the theme of love in the epic. The bond formed between father and son is another one of life's ways of showing love. This relationship is shown throughout the Odyssey. Telemachos's desperate search for his father, and Odysseus longing for his homeland and the warmth of his wife and son are prime examples. Although Telemachos knows not weather Odysseus is really his father, he still cares for him and the well being of what could be his father. When Odysseus hears of all the suitors devouring Telemachos's future fortune and mistreating him, he wants to return and do away with them. Odysseus, like any parent, also misses his only child while he is at war. Telemachos leaving Ithaca in search of knowledge of his father, not knowing anything about life on sea, shows his love for the father figure that he really needs. Odysseus :: essays research papers                     The Bond of Love There are many essential emotions that form the building blocks of our lives. These emotions help to shape the people that we are. These feelings are ones that are ultimately necessary to keep us happy. Nothing makes these feelings more evident than the Odyssey by Homer. Through out the course of this book there is one major emotional theme, which is love. Love is shown within a family, which chose to fight to keep their togetherness no matter how much that had to endure. One main strife in life is to be in search of a companion who makes us happy and for whom we would do anything. Odysseus and Penelope's lasting loyalty is an obvious representation of love in the Odyssey. Although Odysseus is gone for twenty years he never forgets his faithful wife in Ithaca. This love seems to help him persevere through the many hardships that he encounters on his journey home. On the other hand, Penelope too remains loyal to her beloved Odysseus no matter what happens. At home in Ithaca, she stays loyal to Odysseus by unraveling his shroud and delaying the possible marriage to one of the many suitors. She always keeps the hope that her love, Odysseus, will return. Odysseus and Penelope's marriage clearly illustrates the theme of love in the epic. The bond formed between father and son is another one of life's ways of showing love. This relationship is shown throughout the Odyssey. Telemachos's desperate search for his father, and Odysseus longing for his homeland and the warmth of his wife and son are prime examples. Although Telemachos knows not weather Odysseus is really his father, he still cares for him and the well being of what could be his father. When Odysseus hears of all the suitors devouring Telemachos's future fortune and mistreating him, he wants to return and do away with them. Odysseus, like any parent, also misses his only child while he is at war. Telemachos leaving Ithaca in search of knowledge of his father, not knowing anything about life on sea, shows his love for the father figure that he really needs.
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